What's My Line?

What is wonderful about the Central Park Track Club experience is the opportunity to share a collective experience with people from all walks of life. I have often wondered about some of the other people on the club. Would I ever talk to them if not for CPTC? The answer is an emphatic NO. Imagine if you saw someone like Karel walking towards you on the street --- you would probably run across to the opposite side of the street in terror.

Unfortunately, it has been the tendency even within the club for people to congregate by groups, often stratified by sex or running ability. This is rather unfortunate because there are some really interesting people whom you may never find out about. In this page, we hope to bring you the occupational backgrounds of some club members, some famous, some infamous and most in between. So next time when you see them, you will be able to look at them with greater wonder.

NOTE: Listed in alphabetical order of last names.

Would you like to tell us about yourself? If you prefer, you can also rat on someone else. Send e-mail.

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