1. Which one of these CPTC'ers is not an Italian?
(a) Carmine Petracca
(b) Luca Trovato
(c) Michele Tagliati
(d) Lucho Herrera
2. Our annual softball game takes place on the ballfields of Central
Park, and the club provides refreshment. But somebody has
to get the stuff over there. At the 1998 game, a club member
was kind enough to transport the beverages in his van over to the
Great Lawn. Of course, vehicles are prohibited from entering
the park during this period. When a team of park rangers converged
upon the vehicle, our team member said, "I don't know these
people. I am just a contractor. I am going to get out
of here right now." Who was that person?
(a) Sid Howard
(b) Richard Kixmiller
(c) Mary Rosado
(d) Marty Stanton
3. When Audrey Kingsley was photographed
speaking on her cellular phone, what did she say?
(a) "Dump my entire Russian portfolio
ASAP, and use the receipts to purchase as many Mexican peso
put options as possible."
(b) "I gotta go now, because Roland
has his camera on me."
(c) "I got free tickets for the preview
of the new Prefontaine movie next Thursday."
(d) "Don't forget to walk the dog."
4. Which is the best reason to join the Central Park Track Club?
(a) The team singlet is a bargain at $32
(b) The annual club dues are a bargain
at $75 (pre-Russian market meltdown rate)
(c) The team has screened out all socially
undesirable people
(d) The club web site is the best running
club site in the universe
5. Central Park Track Club/New York Triathlon Club member Randy
Ehrlich has finished his residency in orthopaedic surgery and
is now seeing patients at a midtown office. He specializes
in sports medicine and, of course, his main interest is running
injuries. (CPTCers will of course get preferential treatment.)
Which of these statements is FALSE?
(a) His office is on the same block as
the old Studio 54.
(b) The office is owned by one Dr. Gary
Prince, a one-time doorman/bouncer at Studio 54
(c) His office is known as "Prescriptive
(d) Steroid scrips can now be obtained
with no questions asked.
6. It is a sad fact that people do leave us for better opportunities
elsewhere. Which one of these people did not move to California?
(a) Jill Gisvold
(b) Sylvie Kimche
(c) John Landry
(d) Diana Fitzpatrick
7. About this Stuart Calderwood character, which of
the following is NOT part of his myth?
(a) His first marathon was an Ultra Marathon
52 miles
(b) He won his first marathon race
(c) He ran his first marathon at the age
of 15
(d) He ran his first marathon in a pair
of Rockport shoes
8. Sometimes, the workouts clash with other important events
and one has to make difficult choices. Which television program
did Nathan Klejman say he would skip the workout to watch?
(a) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(b) Dawson's Creek
(c) Seinfeld
(d) South Park
9. Each of these people has confessed to having making multiple
clicks on the home page in order to reach a milestone (e.g. 10000,
7000, 14000, 9000, etc). Who is the one who had to make the
FEWEST number of consecutive clicks to claim the honor?
(a) Ramon Bermo
(b) Tyronne Culpepper
(c) Audrey Kingsley
(d) Michele Tagliati
10. Which Central Park Track Club member ran a 6:04 indoor mile
when he/she was 9 years old on the track at the 168th Street Armory?
(a) Doug Marolla
(b) Harry Morales
(c) Giuseppe Petracca
(d) Johanna Rhynis
1. (d) Lucho Herrera is a Colombian cyclist known for his
mountain-climbing prowess. Also the electronic nom de plume
(nom de guerre?) for Jud Santos.
2. Sorry, it's one of these people but we are not telling (Hint:
Who has a van?)
3. (b) Although the digital camera takes only still photographs,
the named individual has been known to be able to memorize entire
conversations verbatim. As for (d), her adopted hyperactive dog
Bidu walks himself.
4. No clear answer here, since they are all judgment calls.
For example, the costs would have meant nothing to our $100,000,000
man David Pullman but others may find it to be morally reprehensible
profiteering. Social desirability is a matter of opinion and
snobbery. However, (d) is definitely wrong because it is
known that certain people avoid this club because of what they call
the atrocious practices of this web site ...
5. (d) Listen, buddy, there are strict laws against that
sort of thing! Don't even think about it! (WARNING: The web
site guy is a narc, so don't even joke about it in his presence
because he may take you seriously).
6. (b) Sylvie Kimche moved to Ohio to concentrate
on playing golf.
7. (d) is FALSE ... at least, we think so, because we never know
with Stuart ... Of course, Jack Brennan is the guy who was
famous for wearing Rockports in marathons.
8. (d) South Park is it. Has anyone ever heard of
a device known as the VCR?
9. (d) Michele's achievement was somewhat dimmed because the counter
was somehow reset downwards by mysterious forces. Of course,
the known all-time high was Ramon Bermo's 73 clicks to reach
10. (a) Doug was hand-timed by coach George Wisniewski.