Note: This is not a real quiz because we don't
expect you to know the answers
--- we only want you to enjoy them.
Q1. This Stacy Creamer photo appeared
on the NYRRC race packet envelop once upon a time.
What movie character did Stacy thought she
resembled here? Answer.
Q2. What course does Noel Comess teach at the
New School? Answer.
Q3. Where are Carsten and Mette Strandlod
moving to in mid-1999? Answer.
Q4. Who does Jose Lasalle work for? Answer.
Q5. Who is Jeff Kisseloff's favorite chess player?
Q6. Who does Eve Kaplan work for? Answer.
Q7. What is Peter Gambaccini's reason for living? Answer.
Q8. What made George Wisniewski give up running
marathons? Answer.
Q9. Why is Scott Willett a triathlete?
Q10. (double points) Do you know who designed
the web site for David Pullman's company? Answer.