1. Who is the runner in the fuzzy photo below?
(a) Paul Stuart-Smith
(b) Craig Chilton
(c) Colin Frew
(d) Gordon Streeter

2. For Jonathan Pillow, which sport is the most dangerous
to his physical health?
(a) Running
(b) Soccer
(c) Lawnbowling
(d) Mathematics
3. What nutritious food does Erik Goetze take to improve
his running?
(a) M & M candies
(b) Jelly beans
(c) Iceberg lettuce
(d) Twinkies
4. In reference to the 1999 results at the Greater Hartford
Triathlon, a reader submitted the following riddle: "How
can a runner become an ex-runner and current triathlete if becoming
a triathlete requires swimming, biking and running?"
(a) Ramon Bermo
(b) Ramon Bermo
(c) Ramon Bermo
(d) Ramon Bermo
5. Which of these are among Rachel Latessa's favorite things?
(a) Long Beach
(b) Goshen
(c) Memorial Day
(d) Labor Day
6. At the 1995 Masters World Championship held in Buffalo
(NY), how many laps did Eden Weiss run in the 10,000m race?
(a) 12.5
(b) 24
(c) 25
(d) 26
7. What did Laurie Jones, nutritionist at Beth Israel
Hospital, ate after the Philadelphia Distance Run? (Yes, this was
a legend of mythical proportions)
(a) Three Philly cheesesteaks
(b) Three veggie burgers
(c) Three Big Macs
(d) Three Burger King Whoppers
8. Which Central Park Track Club member was named as Transportation
Alternative's City Cyclist Commuter of the Month in 1994?
(a) Kevin Arlyck
(b) J.P. Cheuvront
(c) Thomas Pennell
(d) Scott Willett
9. Who said these words, "It is strange to find myself as
the subject of a trivia quiz."
(a) Eve Kaplan
(b) Audrey Kingsley
(c) Stacy Creamer
(d) Alan Ruben
10. What is the point about all these trivia quizzes?
(a) To show how small-minded we are
(b) To show how small-minded we are
(c) To show how small-minded we are
(d) To show how small-minded we are
1. (b) Craig Chilton is the runner in the official photo
taken at the Vermont Marathon Relay. If you are really clever
(read: devious), you may have used other clues in the photo ---
(1) if you recognize the hand, it belongs to Craig, but the holder
need not be the subject of the photo; (2) if you squint really hard,
you will be able to read that the name/address on the mailing label
belongs to one Alan Ruben, so this was either Alan himself
(but he was not listed as one of the four choices) or else he was
the designated contact person (read: probably a relay team); (3)
you can also check for all previous race photos to look for bib
number 6296 --- unfortunately, you will be misled (see photo).
2. (a) Actually, we don't know for sure. Here is the
totality of our evidence. This is a photo
of how Jonathan's feet look like after running the 1999 Lesbian
& Gay Pride Run --- yes, this does look bloody messy, doesn't
it? As for soccer, Jonathan plays for the Barnstonworth Rovers team in East Village.
As far as we can tell (see photo
gallery), Jonathan's Rovers seem to spend an inordinate
amount of time hanging out at the bar. As for lawnbowling,
Jonathan may yet take up that sport in ... oh, say ... fifty
years' time? As for mathematics, it is just mental gymnatics
for Jonathan, but that is another story for another trivia quiz
on another day as there is no (Euclidean) space for splitting numbers
in this page ...
3. (b) Erik Goetze endorses jelly
beans enthusiastically, even if their nutritional value
has not been demonstrated scientifically. Another well-known
runner on our club swears by iceberg lettuce, though. We are
not sure who brought the box
of Twinkies to the July 7th, 1999 workout, and it may just
be Erik too.
4. The former-runner current-triathlete entered the triathlon,
pushed himself hard on the swim and bike legs, had terrible stomach
problems and did not do the run.
5. They all are, as Rachel lists among her fond memories her victories
at the Long Beach 5K on Memorial Day, 1997, the Long Beach 5 Miler
on Labor Day, 1997 and the Goshen 10K.
6. (b) The officials miscounted the laps and got Eden
to stop after 24 laps, one lap short. Furthermore, they would
not permit him to run that extra lap in spite of his pleas.
He pro-rated himself with a time of 42:40.02. That race was
ran in a heat wave, which may explain the officiating lapse.
7. (a) When in Philadelphia, do as Philadelphians do.
8. (c) Thomas Pennell received the honor. In 1994,
Kevin Arlyck did not even own a bike, and neither J.P.
Cheuvront nor Scott Willett realized (and they still
don't get it even now) that their promising running careers with
the club would begin very soon.
9. We've heard Eve used those words once before, but the correct
answer must surely be, "Everyone who has ever been named in
any of these trivia quizzes".
10. No comment (ref. The
Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution)