THEME: $$$$$$$$$$
1. How much is the current black market price
for an official 1999 New York City Marathon race bib?
(a) US $50
(b) US $100
(c) US $250
(d) US $500
2. How much was the entry fee to the 1999 Ironman
USA at Lake Placid?
(a) US$ 7
(b) US$ 25
(c) US$ 50
(d) US$ 300
3. How much does it cost to attend the USATF
Masters Long Distance Runner Clinic held at Lake Placid in September,
(a) US$50
(b) US$100
(c) US$350
(d) US$750
4. What is Rori Spinelli's occupation?
(a) Off Broadway producer
(b) Hotel manager
(c) Emergency room technician
(d) Food stylist
5. When David Pullman signed James Brown
to a bond deal, what was the total value of the deal?
(a) US$35 million
(b) US$50 million
(c) US$100 million
(d) Unpublished
6. Eric LaRay Harvey played a jailhouse gambler
in the movie Rounders. What did he lose in that game?
(a) A fistful of cigarettes
(b) A fistful of dollars
(c) His pinky finger
(d) His life
7. At one time, Kim Mannen worked on the
Tide account at the advertising agency Saatchi &
Saatchi. Now having moved to the advertising agency
Ammirati Puris Lintas, which account is she working on now?
(a) Aunt Jemina
(b) Betty Crocker
(c) Calvin Klein
(d) Sara Lee
8. How much did Dr. Randy Ehrlich's
triathlon bike cost?
(a) $999
(b) $1,500
(c) $3,300
(d) $15,000
9. How much does it cost each month to maintain
the Central Park Track Club web site?
(a) $14.99
(b) $24.99
(c) $99.99
(d) $129.99
10. How much is that doggie
in the window?
(a) $150
(b) $250
(c) $500
(d) Not for sale.
1. Hey, buddy, this is against the rules!
The NYC Marathon race number is not transferrable!
2. (d) At US$300, this was considered a bargain
and quickly sold out. With about 1,500 entrants, this represented
revenues of US$450,000+.
3. (c) US$350
4. (d) Now you may ask, "What exactly
is a food stylist?" According to her assistant, "A
food stylist is someone who gets paid a lot to travel all over the
world to sprinkle parsley on top of food."
5. This is actually something of a mystery, since
all four answers have appeared in the press (see articles).
Of course, the mystery simply adds to the Pullman mystique.
6. (a) Cigarettes, and here is a picture of him
from the movie. First of all, he looks like a practiced smoker,
which makes it hard to see how he is also a good sprinter.
More importantly, he has also practiced wearing orange garb, which
makes him a perfect fit for our team ...

7. (d) Sara
Lee, which is in fact more diversified than just cakes ...
8. (c) $3,300. See Famous
Saying # 605.
9. (a) $14.99 to pay the web
hosting service, plus lots of priceless donated time from
people who have no other lives ...
10. We don't know the answer to this question,
since no one has come forward to identify this photo from the 1999
Vermont Relay Marathon trip.