Q1. Which statement describes
the situation?
(a) Lumberjacking is a full-time occupation
for members of the Central Park Track Club. Therefore,
you should perfect the art of tree-tumbling every chance that
you get, whether there is a tree around or not
(b) This was in response to the command, "NYPD!
Assume the position! You know the drill!"
(c) "Yeah, so I stole this t-shirt from
the Y. What are you going to do about it?"
(d) "Oh, no! You're not going to
publish this photo, are you?"
Q2. Which statement does
NOT describe the situation?
(a) "GO AWAY! No pictures today!
No pictures any day!"
(b) "I wish you wouldn't bring that little
camera everywhere that you go!"
(c) "Can't you pick on someone else instead?"
(d) "So you want me to read your palm?
Let me see ... congratulations, your marriage line is coming
Q3. Which statement describes this
pair of shorts?
(a) "To pass me, you have to pass
all four people on my relay team."
(b) "Just like me, these four people
run like sprinters, not marathoners."
(c) "These four people like to run with
the ducks."
(d) "Yeah, you just keep looking at these
four people during the race ..."
Q4. Which statement describes the
(a) "This is proof that I must
have been pacing back and forth I don't know how many times
waiting for the workout to begin."
(b) "As you can tell from the tread marks,
I am wearing the new Saucony shoes."
(c) "When they run the mile in a workout,
the timer has nothing to do but stand and wait."
(d) "It should be clear that I am not
wearing spikes today."
Q5. Which statement describes the
(a) "Just because you turn your
back on me won't stop me from taking a photo of you."
(b) "I should be extremely easy to recognize
from this point of view."
(c) "I've inherited my mother's hips."
(d) "I turn myself to the roadway while
the workout description is being given just in case someone
I know comes by on bicycle."
Q6. Which is the correct statement?
(a) "This occurred when I was slashed
in my roller hockey game at Chelsea Piers."
(b) "I had a major collison with one
of those crazy cyclists, and he didn't even stop!"
(c) "This is what I got for sliding home
in a company softball game. And to think that they tell
you always to slide head first!"
(d) "Would you believe that this occurred
while I was playing tennis in Central Park?"
Q1. (d) Always. Any
of the other answers may or may also be true.
Q2. (c) Anyone else would
not have used the hand to shield --- they would have used it to
Q3. (c) You have to be
really versed in Central Park Track Club mythology to know and appreciate
this one, but the Truth is out there ...
Q4. (c) The loneliness of long-distance
runners' timer ...
Q5. (a) Rule number one.
Q6. (c) That is why we stick
to a non-contact sport like running ...