Q1. What does the number
5:49.57 represent?
(a) A New York minute
(b) Audrey Kingsley's time in her first
ever Fifth Avenue Mile
(c) Audrey Kingsley's time for the
last mile back to the statue at the February 1, 2001 road
(d) Audrey Kingsley's time for the
last mile in the January 30, 2001 Armory indoor track workout
Q2. At this moment at the
Armory, what did Toby Tanser say?
(a) "How come I am staring into another
camera staring at me ... ?"
(b) "I can't believe this! But
my camera says that the disk is FULL!"
(c) "I can't believe this! But
the person does not appear in the LCD! Is he really
a vampire?"
(d) "I can't believe this! But
my camera says it's out of battery at this moment!"
Q3. Which one of these people is
the fastest runner? (photo credit: Global Surveillance
System (TM))
(a) Ross Galitsky
(b) Rich Joseph
(c) Julie Denney
(d) Scott Willett
Q4. What is the purpose of this
(a) To show you how to double-knot your
shoe laces
(b) To show you how to open the envelop to
get your Champion chip out
(c) To show you how to tie your Champion chip
into your shoe laces
(d) To show you the pair of 3:00:09 marathon
Q5. This is the face attached to
the public announcement system at the Armory Track. What
is his most common saying?
(a) "Rock, rock, rock around the
clock ..."
(b) "If you run 30 seconds or faster
per lap, you should be in lane 4. If you run slower
than 30 seconds, you should be in lane 2. You should
never be in lane 1."
(c) "It is now nine p.m. You have
half an hour left before the session is over."
(d) "All teams should run in groups of
eight people or fewer. There are nine people in this
group, so you better break it up."
Q1. (a) After the February
1, 2001 workout, Audrey Kingsley said to Michele Tagliati,
"Just wait one minute for me, and I'll run back to the
East Side with you." At that moment, the neutral referee
started his stopwatch, and 5:49.57 was her actual time of departure.
(Technical explanation: The New York Minute is a special program
segment on WNYW-TV in which many different events are compressed
within a one minute report with the second clock running at the
bottom of the tv screen.)
Rob Zand contributed the
following: "'A New York Minute' is also a song by the Eagles.
I was going to call it 'a really bad song' but that would be
redundant. All Eagles songs are really bad."
Hey, Rob, take it easy, take it easy, don't let the sound of
your own
wheels make you crazy ...
The Eagles' song has this refrain:
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get a little strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
and it also has this verse:
In these days
The darkness falls early
And people rush home
To the ones they love
You'd better take the fool's advice;
take care of your own
'Cause one day they're here; next day
they're gone
Apparently, not everybody is in a rush to get home ...
Jonathan Cane wrote: "For
the record, Mr. Zand's is not quite right in his appraisal of
New York Minute. It is in fact a Don Henley
song, not an Eagles song. Mr. Henley was a member (vocals and
drums) of the Eagles, but the song was from a solo project."
The American Heritage
Dictionary defines 'A New York Minute' as 'Slang
An extremely short period of time.'
Q2. (d) This is a TRUE
Q3. (b) This is not a trivia
question, it is just a trivial question. By default, Rich
Joseph is the fastest runner since the other three (namely,
the troika of Ross-Julie-Scott) are all self-professed "I-am-not-a-runner"
triathletes. Since this picture was taken at a cross-country
ski outing in which they 'bumped' into each other 'accidentally',
the more interesting question ought to be, "Which one of these
people is the better skier?" Surprisingly, our eyewitness
reports that Rich may be a better skier than runner!
Q4. (d) Who is that?
We assume that you must know the famous person who owns those famous
legs. Postscript: The owners of those legs said, "I
thought about sending a protest note about this photo and demand
a retraction. But I realized that all that might do would
be to bring up an even worse picture. So I decided not to."
Post-postscript: A photo like this was not totally frivolous.
The day after the publication of this picture, it came to the attention
of the owner of those legs that there was indeed someone on the
team who did not know how to tie his laces properly ...
Q5. NOT (a)