Alan Ruben followed by Tom McCarney and John Roberts
Tom McCarney
John Roberts
Neil Brenner and Kevin Arlyck
Kevin Arlyck and Peter Allen
Sean Fortune and Eric Boucher
Glen Carnes and Eric Boucher
Russell Pfeffer, Brad Weiss, Steven Monte and Jonathan Calvey
Casey Yamazaki, Gary McGraw and Justin Cisar
Justin Cisar
John Beech
Otto Hoering
Jeff Wilson
James Siegel and Noel Comess
Stuart Alexander and Robert Siegel
Harry Lichtenstein
Nathanael Horne
Michael Siegell
Charles Stark
Philip Vasquez
Ian Phlilips and Chris Neuhoff
Dave Delano
Fred Trilli
Laura Ford, Joe Tumbarello and Josh Feldman, with John Affleck in the distance
Andrea Haver and Katy Masselam warm up.
Laura Ford and Andrea Costella
Micah Adriani and Allison McCabe
Atilla Sabahoglu
Tom McCarney
Alan Ruben, followed by Sean Fortune
Sean Fortune, with John Roberts behind
John Roberts
Neil Brenner and Peter Allen
Steven Monte, with Eric Boucher and Isaya Okwiya (WTC) in the rear
Eric Boucher
Lauren Esposito slips into her team colors
Glen Carnes and Brad Weiss
Brad Weiss
Kevin Arlyck and Jonathan Calvey
Russell Pfeffer
Otto Hoering
Justin Cisar
Casey Yamazaki
Gary McCraw
John Beech
Robert Siegel and Jeff Wilson
James Siegel
Nathanael Horne and Stuart Alexander
Michael Siegell
Noel Comess
John Kenney
Harry Lichtenstein
Philip Vasquez
Chris Neuhoff
Ian Phillips
Fred Trilli
Kathy King
Dave Delano
John Affleck, Atilla Sabahoglu, Josh Feldman and Joe Tumbarello
Casey and Erika Yamazaki