CPTC Goal Races
In 2004, Central Park Track Club will
focus on the following series of races from July through December. We have elected to focus on these races rather than on the NYRR-designated
team scoring series for several reasons:
The progression of each group of races makes
sense from a training perspective.
It's advantageous for us, as a large co-ed team,
to have both men and women training for the same events.
Only a small percentage of our members score
in NYRR team races. By focusing on these carefully selected
races instead, we hope to put the emphasis of our training where
it was always meant to be: on helping each member live
up to his or her racing potential.
In selecting some premier out-of-town races,
we hope to encourage members to compete on some fast courses
facing stiff competition the kind of circumstances that
can lead to PRs.
As you will see, many of the races on our schedule
are NYRR races. The Central Park Track Club will continue
to support the NYRR and its rich offerings. The main difference
this year will be that when the NYRR scoring races are not our goal
races, our workouts will not be specifically geared to them. However, we are a large team and we expect that we will still have
competitive teams for all the 2004 NYRR scoring races.
We hope that as many CPTCers as possible will focus
on this slate of races for the sake of camaraderie as well
as competitive results.
Update (6/14/04): We have made two changes to our
goal race strategy described above - there will now be the same
goal races for everyone, regardless of whether you identify yourself
as a 10K runner or a marathoner, and most races will be local races.
NYRRC Scoring Races
Other Races
We are willing to list any and all
races. Please send all additions/changes to the webmaster.
August 29, 7:00 am, Manhattan Half-Marathon, Central Park
September 18, 9:40 am, Fitness Magazine Mind, Body, Spirit Games 4M, Central Park
September 19, 11:30 am, NYRR Fred Lebow XC 5K, Van Cortlandt Park
September 26, 7:30 am, New York City Marathon Tune-Up 18M, Central Park
October 3, 8:30 am, Norway Run 1.7M, Central Park
October 3, 9:00 am, Grete's Great Gallop 13.1M, Central Park
October 3, 11:30 am, Harry Murphy XC 5K, Van Cortlandt Park
October 17, 9:40 am, Staten Island Half-Marathon, Staten Island
October 17, 11:30 am, Kurt Steiner XC 5K, Van Cortlandt Park
October 31, 9:00 am, Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff 5M, Central Park
November 7, 10:10 am, ING NYC Marathon