June 5, 2005

Photos by Stuart Alexander

DSCN4694 Sid Howard brought ten of us in his van, and was greeted by Michael and Petra Trunkes.
DSCN4693 Carmen and Austeria Clare
DSCN46891 Alston Brown warms up by kicking the ball around.
DSCN4695 Norman Goluskin and Tony Ruiz share running stories while Jonathan Federman, Felice Kelly and Ben Gutman look on in wonder as Harry Lichtenstein mixes up one of his strange concoctions.
DSCN46921 Alan Ruben points out the start of the run, just out through the backyard.
DSCN46992 Michael Trunkes is ready to run.
DSCN47031 Everyone is sitting around stretching.
DSCN47021 Stretching and resting
DSCN47052 Joey Ruben thinks Dad will be a push-over in negotiations after running fourteen miles.
DSCN47082 Sid Howard relaxes, then...
DSCN47091 ...he points out to Felice Kelly that...
DSCN47121 ...Mary Diver is waving from the other side of the yard.
DSCN47131 Relaxing after the run is the best part.
DSCN47141 Sammy and Joey Ruben playing soccer with Alston Brown and Alan Ruben.
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