Andrea Haver
Andrea Haver
Andrea Haver
Andrea Haver
Andrea Haver
Stacy Creamer
Andrea Costella
Andrea Costella
Andrea Costella
Stacy Creamer
Andrea Costella
Stacy Creamer
Andrea Costella
Frank Morton, Otto Hoering, Mary Diver, and Noah Perlis
Stacy Creamer
Andrea Costella
Noah Perlis and Chris Potter
Brad Weiss and Chris Solarz
Chris Potter and Noah Perlis
Sean Fortune and Chris Potter
Sean Fortune and Chris Potter
Chris Potter and John Gleason
John Roberts, Chris Solarz and Michael Trunkes
John Roberts, Chris Solarz and Michael Trunkes
John Roberts
Stuart Alexander watches the runners blur by.
John Roberts
Marco Pulani, Jesse Lansner and Otto Hoering
John Affleck and Marco Pulani
Brad Weiss, Jesse Lansner and Otto Hoering
Otto Hoering
Jesse Lansner and Brad Weiss
Jesse Lansner
John Gleason
John Gleason
Stuart Alexander and David Edwards
John Gleason
Andrea Costella and Andrea Haver watch the race from the bleachers.
Jess Reifer
John Gleason
Harry Lichtenstein
Jess Reifer, Mary Diver and Frank Morton
Micah Adriani
Harry Lichtenstein passes Ian Brooks
Frank Handelman, Maggie Deschamps (PPTC) and Jim Aneshanesley
Allison McCabe just joined the team, but she's already got the right color shoes.
Frank Handelman and Joe Bolster
Roger Liberman
Roger Liberman
Stuart Alexander
David Edwards