Kate Irvin and Andrea Haver
Andrea Haver and Kate Irvin
Andrea Haver and Kate Irvin
Andrea Haver and Kate Irvin
Allison McCabe and Andrea Costella
Kate Irvin and Andrea Haver
Allison McCabe
Andrea Haver and Brad Weiss
Andrea Costella
Andrea Haver
Andrea Costella
Felice Kelly and Stacy Creamer
Felice Kelly and Stacy Creamer
Chris Price and Devon Martin
Felice Kelly and Stacy Creamer
Stacy Creamer is cheered on by Andrea Costella
Stacy Creamer
Sue Pearsall
Sue Pearsall
Sue Pearsall
Felice Kelly recovers from her run with Ben Gutman
John Roberts
Chris Potter
John Roberts
John Roberts gets encouragement from his teammates.
Chris Potter
Glen Carnes
Glen Carnes
Glen Carnes
Glen Carnes
Gladstone Jones
Armando Oliveira
Gladstone Jones
Andrea Haver cheers on Gladstone Jones
Armando Oliveira
Armando Oliveira doesn't notice the CPTC women as he passes them
Tom Phillips
Casey Yamazaki and Brad Weiss
Casey Yamazaki, Brad Weiss and Tom Phillips
Brad Weiss
Brad Weiss
Tom Phillips
Brad Weiss
Tom Phillips and Brad Weiss
Casey Yamazaki
Sarah Rivlin and Stacy Creamer
Michael Rennock, John Gleason, Harry Lichtenstein and Sid Howard
John Gleason and Sid Howard
Michael Rennock
Michael Rennock and John Gleason
Harry Lichtenstein
Ben Gutman and Sid Howard
Sid Howard
Kate Irvin talks with Andrea Haver
Roger Liberman
Roger Liberman and Scott Johnson
Roger Liberman
Devon Martin and Glen Carnes
Scott Johnson
Roger Liberman
Scott Johnson
Roger Liberman
Scott Johnson