Surprise Party!

October 2nd was Stacy Creamer's 39th birthday.  On that Saturday evening, Stuart Calderwood suggested a quiet evening out to a Upper West Side Restaurant.  When they got there, they found, to their surprise ... a group of Central Park Track Club people gathered there having dinner too.  By coincidence, someone brought a camera and took these pictures.  By coincidence again, someone had ordered a birthday cake.  By an extreme coincidence, the cake had Stacy's name on it!  Conspiracy theorists obviously had a field day.

These memorable photographs came from Tyronne Culpepper.  The notes came from someone not present at the party, and contain some (fact-based) inferences.

  • Photo 1: As with any other conspiracy in memory, Ross Galitsky is at the center.  Here, he is flanked by co-conspirators Aubin Sullivan and Mary Rosado.
  • Photo 2: Another of the usual suspects is Blair Boyer.  Who is Blair Boyer?  He is the guy who refuses to fork over $75 to join our club, even though he seems to appear at all our activities.  He is the guy of whom Audrey Kingsley was reported to have said, "I would pass over a PR if I can beat Blair in a race."  This quote came from an unimpeachable source, namely Blair himself.
  • Photo 3: Blair leans over to Stacy to deny any role in this accidental encounter, while Bola Awofeso listened in.  Oh, for the record, Blair is the guy who ordered the cake, so his deniability is implausible ...
  • Photo 4: Tyronne Culpepper, Stacy Creamer and Stuart Calderwood.
  • Photo 5: Stacy Creamer blows out the candles and makes a wish, as Alan Ruben looks on.   What was Stacy's wish?  Here is one speculation, "Oh, I wish I could get to 40 quickly, so Audrey Kingsley wouldn't be taking all the hardware in my age group."  Before you accuse us of sowing discord on the team, we will confirm that someone in that party did speculate as much.  Alan Ruben was probably jealous --- for his own 40th birthday, he had to run an indoor 3000m race before his teammates would roll out the cake.
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