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01: Sarah Gross and Maureen Dooley-Elmeleh
discuss hot-weather racing strategies. Maureen's method
to ensure a slow initial pace was to start back in the pack (note:
her chip time was 31 seconds faster than her clock time).
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02: The congregation at 62nd Street --- Bola Awofeso,
Julie Denney, Stacy Creamer, Audrey Kingsley,
Stuart Calderwood and Stefani Jackenthal
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03: Stefani Jackenthal gets assistance for number-pinning.
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04: A wall of orange --- Carol Tyler, Ana Echeverri
and Mette Strandlod --- comes down Central Park West.
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05: Jose La Salle perches on the wall to record
the proceedings. Let's see how it goes, "Humpty-dumpty
sat on a wall ..."
This race has twenty or so elite runners who have
run faster than 33 minutes for 10K. There was some concern
that other runners may be towed to a very fast start. Official
split-recorder Blair Boyer took down these times:
- Alayne Adams, 6:03
- Stacy Creamer, 6:18
- Audrey Kingsley, 6:22 (corrected to 6:22.93, according
to the split recorded on Audrey's stop watch)
- Sarah Gross, 6:26
- Julie Denney, 6:36
- Nicole Begin, 6:54
- Eve Kaplan, 7:00
- Laura Miller, 7:00
- Kim Mannen, 7:00
- Carol Tyler, 7:38
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11: This is the lead pack headed by Anne-Marie Lauck.
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12: Alayne Adams must be thinking about the Ed
Koch question, "How am I doing?"
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13: This is Eve Kaplan with Kim Mannen behind.
Eve did a DNF today, which makes her a rarity --- someone with
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14: Ana Echeverri is a picture of concentration.
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15: Carol Tyler is running injured and hoping for
the best.
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16: Mette Strandlod asked us not to publish any
photo of her during the race. "The coach says there
is no smiling in running", she said and she is always smiling.
Or does she?
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21: Wearing number 1 and leading the race is Tegla
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22: About 15 seconds behind were Lidia Simon and
Gete Wami, ready to sprint for second place.
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23: Alayne Adams is ahead of Warren Street's Jeanne
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24: We are not absolutely sure, but this may be Stefani
Jackenthal's second 10K ever, and a PR again. Her debut
was a 40:30 at the 1997 Advil 10K.
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25: Stacy Creamer had a strategy of a conservative
first half and fast second half. Her splits were 20:06 and
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26: Audrey Kingsley is smiling this time.
For a little while, she had a police car by her and that was somehow
upsetting her rhythm. She said, "It was like as if
Carsten was beside me."
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31: Stacy Creamer shifts
into her sprinter's high kneelift gear.
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32: Sarah Gross says that this warm weather thing
is not to her taste.
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33: Kim Mannen looks a little bit stressed, wondering
where those ducks were (see #43).
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34: Carol Tyler has a case of plantar faciitis
(cc: John Megaw) and jogged the last 3 miles.
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35: The General Luca Trovato reviews his troop.
Since he is now a track sprinter, he is dressing appropriately
when he attends road races.
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41: On the victory podium with Tegla
Laroupe, Gete Wami and Lidia Simon.
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42: Kim Mannen poses with the extra tall (roller-blade
enhanced) Tyronne Culpepper.
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43: This is an odd duck of a picture, as Kim Mannen
shows us her secret of running fast --- she lets the ducks carry
her ...
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44: Here is an odd photo of novice Central Park spectator
Kevin Arlyck. You can never be too trusting in this
city ...
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45: Mette Strandlod runs her last Central Park
race. Now it is time to go home and pack up for Malawi,
where the weather is not as hot ...
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46: Charlotte Evans, Alayne Adams, J.R.
Mojica, Jose La Salle, Stuart Calderwood, Theo
Evans and Stacy Creamer crowd around to watch an instant
videotape replay of Alayne's finishing kick. She said, "I
look like a marathon runner!?"
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47: Here is Alayne Adams' proprietary leglifting
exercise, using an extra heavy weight.
- Missing Photo: Before the race, Nicole
Begin was seen wearing the Trunkes-designed singlet, which
she purchased for $1. She says that since she is moving
to San Diego, she should not be spending a lot on uniforms.
But given the reputation of that singlet to heat up, she did not
wear it during this race.