
- Photo
01: As Stuart Calderwood
and Stacy Creamer get ready for the race, they looked up
and ... lo and behold ... there was the surveillance camera.
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02: The cyclists watch their running partners line up
for the start. Here are Randy Ehrlich, Stuart
Calderwood and Odin Townley.
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03: Defending champion Randy Ehrlich makes a bold
prediction about who is number one, as Stuart Calderwood
shakes his head in disagreement. Look at this photo carefully
--- Stuart's right arm reaches to about Randy's neck while Randy's
left arm touches Stuart's far shoulder. Yes, those big shoulders
and arms of Randy are made for rowing!
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04: This is Odin Townley and his partner Laurie
Davidson. When Odin told her that this photo will be
published on the World Wide Web, Laurie said, "Uh oh!"
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05: Alayne Adams and a friend went out for a run
and came across the race start.
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06: Randy Ehrlich's partner Sonya Witt arrived
late. Randy was sufficiently concerned that he dialed emergency
services for a backup. So who do you call when you need
a running partner in an emergency? This is the same answer
to the question, Which person would never refuse any chance to
run anything anytime? and we all know it must be Audrey
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07: One partner will run and the other will bike.
As it turns out, the preponderance of runners are female, as Stacy
Creamer is surrounded by other women.
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08: The running course goes from the boathouse up Cat
Hill across the Great Lawn and south to complete the lower loop.
Here is Stacy Creamer in about 8th place overall going
up Cat Hill. By an amazing conincidence, the Thursday workout
consists of 4 times Cat Hill, so she knows this piece of landscape
very well.
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09: At West 72nd Street, Stacy Creamer has moved
into third overall, right behind a male runner.
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10: Heading towards the finish, Stacy Creamer was
second overall in the run portion, behind only one male runner.
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11: Randy's partner Sonya Witt arrived about one
minute later behind Stacy.
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12: This is New York Flyer Francine Alfandary on
the run.
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13: This is Odin's partner Laurie Davidson.
- There are no photos at all. Who can tell
who's who underneath those helmets?
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21: Coming through the transition area in the lead was
Stuart Calderwood. Where is his partner?
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22: Stacy Creamer had to go back to pick up a fallen
bike and is sprinting to catch up.
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23: At the start of the rowing race, there was a tie between
two couples.
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24: The finish line is the balloon arch. But it
will be a long time before Stuart and Stacy get to pass underneath
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25: Quickly, Stuart and Stacy took the lead. The
bad news was that the guy with the big shoulders was right behind,
and moving up inexorably.
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26: Randy and Sonya had taken over the lead by the time
that they reached Bow Bridge.
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27: Right behind them are Stuart and Stacy in second place.
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28: First to emerge on the other side of Bow Bridge are
Randy and Sonya.
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29: This is the lead that Randy and Sonya has over Stuart
and Stacy.
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30: Brace yourself for this photo! On this gorgeous
spring morning, this is what New York City living is all about.
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31: Here is another view of this scene of tranquillity
in the middle of the metropolis.
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32: By the halfway mark, Randy and Sonya have build a
sizeable lead as they go past two white swans.
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33: This is the turnaround at the farthest point of the
course. The lead is so big that even the photographer has
turned his attention to the wildlife in Central Park instead.
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34: Randy and Sonya are the first couple to get back to
Bow Bridge.
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35: After Randy and Sonya passed under Bow Bridge, they
even had time to see who is cheering for them from the bridge.
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36: Stuart and Stacy are the second couple to get back
to Bow Bridge.
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37: The Central Park Track Club cheering squad of Audrey
Kingsley, Craig Chilton and Colin Frew are strategically
located at the gazebo by Bow Bridge.
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38: Stacy gives directional instructions to Stuart.
This would have been a leisurely Monet-like photo of shimmering
water in a pond if they were not competing in a race.
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39: The first couple of Randy and Sonya have already crossed
under the balloon arch.
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40: This is the funniest photo of the day. Do we
take it that Stuart Calderwood had done a hard day's work?
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41: Craig Chilton, Audrey Kingsley and Colin
Frew are perched on the rock next to the finish line.
After watching this exciting race, all three are plotting and
planning their assault on this event next year. Who will
be their respective partners?