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01: This is Jim Olson's first race in about two
years. He still has that Michael Trunkes-imprint
singlet, since it was unnecessary to get an upgrade. (Special
note for David Pullman: this is the mugshot of the person
who took your gear at the Tuesday workout ...)
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02: Jim Olson stops Fasil Yilma to inform
him about his comeback. That was enough to make Fasil groan,
"Oh, that means I'll have to come back ..."
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03: Sid Howard looks around to check the weather.
He needed to run six NYRRC races in order to qualify for the awards.
When he told his plan to run this last race of the year as his
sixth one, he got this prediction, "Watch! It'll snow
that day and the race will be cancelled."
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04: Chris Jurkiewicz is underneath the finish clock,
except the race has not started yet
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05: Notwithstanding the threat of bad weather, Sid
Howard finishes the race in fine form.
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06: Jim Olson
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10: The computer chips come in different colors.
For the fashion-conscious people with many running shoes, this
proves to be no challenge. Here are Dan Sack's yellow
shoe matched with the yellow chip, and Craig Chilton's
black shoe matched with the black chip. Aesthetically, we
might have challenged their choices --- we think that the yellow
chip should go with the black shoe and vice versa.
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11: After 200m in the race, John Scherrer looks
around and cannot believe that he was in second place.
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12: Craig Chilton explained that he is running
this race because he has been sick. Excuse us? Please
explain again ...
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13: This photo appeared on the NYRRC site with this caption:
"Central Park TC's Craig Chilton and Harrier Per
Jamtelid helped each other through the midpoint, though the
latter dusted the former in the end by half a minute."
Technical note: Low battery level --- forgot to
recharge ...