- Photo
01: Michele Tagliati with his brother Marco
Tagliati, who is an international member of the Central Park
Track Club based in Italy.
- Photo
02: Julie Denney and Scott Willett were
seen doing loops in the park on these contraptions known as bicycles.
They were harrassed by the race workers: "Hey, you people
in the orange jackets! Aren't you supposed to be runners?"
- Photo
03: Ramon Bermo asked, "I have not raced in
a long time. Can someone tell me how to lace the computer
chip in?"
- Photo
04: MAC official Mary Rosado knew how to lace the
chip in --- she delegates the job assignment to a field expert.
- Photo
06: Here is the proper position as demonstrated by Stuart
Calderwood. The chip should be on top and never on the
side. You should also make a careful study of Stuart's shoe,
which is 3 ounces lighter than the factory model because he has
stripped away all the superfluous aspects (such as the logos).
- Photo
05: Here is an example of how not to dress. Guillermo
Rojas is in black and white; worse yet, it is a NYU Triathlon
Team singlet! When he saw the camera, he tried to hide behind
Ross Galitsky. @#$%^(*&! His explanation
was that his regular Central Park Track Club singlet is waiting
to be washed from last week. We suggest that G'mo take a
close look at Scott Willett's orange jacket, which looks
as if it has never ever been washed.
- Photo
11: As is so often the case this year, the team leader
is Alan Ruben.
- Photo
12: Paul Stuart-Smith was slightly ahead of Richie
Borrero at this point.
- Photo
13: Erik Goetze decided to stay in bed instead
of racing last week. This meant that the pressure was on
for him to be present today.
- Photo
14: Stuart Calderwood has been having a cough for
the last 3 weeks. He probably should have been racing today,
but this was a scoring race in which he knew the team (especially
the Masters) needed him.
- Photo
15: Isaya Okwiya and Craig Chilton running
side by side.
- Photo
16: John Kenney is just ahead of Kim Griffin.
- Photo
17: Charles Allard keeps his ears very warm.
- Photo
18: David Diviney was topless at this point of
the 10 miler. This week, he has a brand new team singlet.
Feels different, doesn't it? Like who are all these total
strangers cheering him?
- Photo
19: Rick Shaver wanted to know if we got his photo.
Yes, here it is.
- Photo
20: Stacy Creamer reached the 3 mile mark in 18:30.
Last year, this would have been something like her personal record
for a 5K race. In this photo, she looks like she is just
- Photo
21: Michele Tagliati came to make sure that his
brother gets to run on the home court.
- Photo
22: Audrey Kingsley almost went by unnoticed in
her incognito white long-sleeve shirt, except for those orange-colored
- Photo
23: Tivon Jacobson is a little behind his expected
pace at this point. He said, "Nobody told me that I
should not line up way back at the start." We recommend
that he get in contact with Paul Stuart-Smith about this
- Photo
24: Jackie Cortes reportedly has a theory about
why Stacy Creamer is running so well, but we can't report
anything that is hearsay. So youl'll have to ask her yourself.
EAST 88th STREET, 150 meters to go
- Photo
41: Alan Ruben probably wishes that he had Richie
Borrero next to him to outsprint?
- Photo
42: Erik Goetze probably enjoyed this as much as
he did last week.
- Photo
43: Ramon Bermo, Craig Chilton and Isaya
Okwiya are strung out on the final straight way.
- Photo
44: Stuart Calderwood slowed down a little bit
because he was having trouble breathing. In the scheme of
things, since we are trying to defend a lead in the masters division,
it was more important that he finishes than anything else.
- Photo
45: As this race will determine the final standing of
the team in the Masters Men division for the year, John Kenney
came down today to take care of business.
- Photo
51: Marco Tagliati completes his first park race,
but someone else in this photo did not complete the race.
- Photo
52: Dan Sack wore a team singlet for the first
time today.
- Photo
53: David Diviney, Stacy Creamer and Rick
Shaver come down the straight way. Stacy was credited
with a time of 38:01 today, which represented a 1:29 improvement
over her previous best in Central Park. She basically ran
even splits, and was surprised to find herself passing a lot of
people (including Rick Shaver) that she did not think she
should be. She said, "I was thinking about what Pete
Pfitzinger said about his greatest race, 'There I was ready
to pass Alberto Salazar. I thought to myself, Who
am I to pass Salazar? But for this one day, I had no idea
who I was and I went ahead.'" (see also NYRRC photo)
- Photo
54: David Monti looks like he is deep agony. He
is wearing the famous Michael Trunkes singlet, for which
winter is probably the only right season.
- Photo
55: Our camera seemed to have a mind of its own.
We pointed it at Jose LaSalle and the camera focused instead
on Jane Harris, who was out of the race.
- Photo
46: David Birchfield finds himself in a portrait
with some artsy edge effects. Why? The original photo
was slightly out of focus, and this is a way of salvaging something
by setting up an appropriate context. So now we hope that
you understand why there were these white halos in all those photos
from our Annual Club Awards Party ...
- Photo
47: Audrey Kingsley shows us that she is capable
of staring straight ahead, instead of just sideways.
- Photo
48: Sarah Gross is still thinking about the dessert
from last night?
- Photo
49: Sandra Olivo arrived at the start a little
late and had to start all the way in the back.
- Photo
50: Max Schindler
- Photo
56: This photo was forwarded by Michele Tagliati,
showing him between Sarah Gross and Rori Spinelli.
The attached message read: "Please be benign with the comments
..." So we'll say nothing at all, but we urge to look
at the photo and formulate your own speculation ...
- Photo
71: Alan Ruben collects yet another trophy that
there is no room in the apartment for.
- Photo
72: After receiving her trophy, Stacy Creamer makes
sure to go over and shake Joe Kleinerman's hand.
- Photo
80: Alan Ruben running down the west side
- Photo
81: Alan Ruben running down the east side
- Casey Yamazaki was running incognito today,
because he needed to run six races to gain entry into the New
York City marathon next year. His race time today does not
matter to him, as he is "not in the club scene" right
now. However, he says, "Yumi is training!"
- Noel Comess ran in white again this week,
and finished ahead of Victor Osayi, just like last week
and also at the New York City Marathon. This has caused
Victor to wonder, "Who is Noel Comess? What
does he look like? If I knew who that was, I would have
tried to stay with him ..."