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1: J.R. Mojica went up to check out the trophy
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2: Here is the presentation ceremony, as Al Goldstein
(NYRRC) presents the overall winner's plaque to J.R. Mojica.
If there is a photo, then it must be true.
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3: Bola Awofeso is showing something to Adam
Bleifeld and Doug Kabbash.
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4: Carsten Strandlod must be saying, "Get
that camera out of my face!" Well, when Carsten and
Mette get to Malawi, they would wish that they had these photos
to look at ... Note that Carsten and Mette have consecutive
race numbers.
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5: Frank Morton said, "Yes, you can take a
photo of the most overweight person on the club."
Well, that is debatable but we won't name names ...
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11: Carsten Strandlod was leading the team at this
point, but someone informed him that he better run hard because
Jack Brennan was right behind him. Later, he was
asked if he felt any extra pressure as a result. "Not
at all. Jack has finished ahead of me before, so it's no
big deal."
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12: Jack Brennan flowed by and had the energy to
offer a 'thumbs-up' sign.
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13: John Sargent and Adam Bleifeld ran in
tandem. Adam would tow John to a personal best by over 100
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14: Mette Strandlod can still afford to look around
and check out the scenery.
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21: Everybody's darling Kari Ann Bertrand was the
overall female winner by a runaway margin. Her time of 22:17
was a new course record.
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22: Carsten Strandlod was our team leader.
This is the second time in three weeks that he has led the team.
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23: John Sargent and Adam Bleifeld seemed
to be chained together. Behind them was Kurtis Edwards.
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24: This is the second race that Kurtis Edwards
ran for the team.
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31: Jack Brennan almost made it the second year
in a row that he led the team in a race, which would have been
quite unexpected since his buddies all wrote him off as being
over the hill. Of course, we are just kidding because a
2:20 marathon is not just New Orleans hot air.
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32: With less than 100 meters to go, John Sargent
would turn on his track-trained turbo engines to finish.
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33: Mette Strandlod looked ahead towards the finish
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34: Our amateur web photographer targets our club members
only, and not always to their pleasure. But the professional
photographer Ellen Wallop was busy snapping baby pictures
and other scenes on the course.