MEN 4x200m RELAY
11: Archie Glaspy is our lead-off runner
12: First hand-off from Archie Glaspy to Tony
13: The final hand-off is from Brady Crain to
Val Barnwell
14: This is the group photo of Archie Glaspy,
Tony Fulton, Brady Crain and Val Barnwell.
MEN 1500m
- Photo
21: Sid Howard in the 1500m.
- Photo
22: Sid runs with the big star-spangled flag in the background
- Photo
23: Sid finishes and looks up at the clock for his time
WOMEN 1500m
- Photo
24: Mary Rosado is just ahead of Anna Thornhill
(Warren Street)
- Photo
25: Mary at the finish
MEN 400m
WOMEN 400m
- Photo
30: Mary Rosado ran the 400m, 800m and 1500m today,
finishing first in her age group (W50-54) in each race.
WOMEN 800m
- Photo
31: Devon Sargent concentrates on the start.
Of this photo, she said, "I like the big American flag in
the background. Now if you could remove the people, it would
look even better."
- Photo
32: This is the first track race in three years for Devon
- Photo
33: Mary Rosado would ask later, "Did you
get any pictures of me dying out there?" Yes, we did.
- Photo
34: Devon stayed in the back of the lead pack at the start.
- Photo
35: Devon said that her problem was not daring to make
a move; she just kept waiting and waiting ...
- Photo
36: Devon in exhaustion after the race.
- Photo
37: Very quickly, Devon recovers and proceeds to shop
for a pair of briefs to replace her long tights for the nationals.
MEN 800m
- Photo
41: Jim Aneshansley provides some advertising for
Coogan's Restaurant
- Photo
42: Jim provides some advertising for the Super Runners
- Photo
43: Tom Hartshorne and Raphael Devalle ready
to start
- Photo
44: Raphael would set a PR of 2:21.72 today with the simple
formula of not going out too fast. His first quarter was
in 67 seconds
MEN 200m
- Photo
51: Richard Hamner at his start
- Photo
52: This is Richard Hamner leaning for the finish
... or has he just been shot?
- Photo
53: Noah Perlis at the finish
- Photo
54: Val Barnwell drives off the starting block
in a two-person heat.
- Photo
55: Val finishes in cruise mode
- Photo
01: Is Rori Spinelli asking Frank Schiro
just what is it underneath his hat that maintains its height?
- Photo
02: Devon Sargent says the view is better from
the balcony.
Q: Hi, which newspaper are you taking photographs
for? National Masters News?
A: Oh, no, I'm not with any newspaper. I'm just taking pictures
for my club.
Q: Oh, a club? Then you must be the photographer for the Central
Park Track Club.