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01: One of the perils of being a member of this
team is that you have to be alert all the time. But you
can always count on your teammates for help. Here, Yves-Marc
Courtines steers Sarah Gross to look in the right direction.
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02: Frank Schneiger and Lynn Blackstone
watch the unveiling of the Fred Lebow plaque.
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03: The front of Alan Ruben and the back of Paul
Stuart-Smith at the front row.
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04: This is the only photo of Jonathan Federman
today, since this old singlet is unidentifiable out there.
How about investing in a new one, huh?
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11: Gordon Streeter even has a long-sleeve orange
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12: Yves-Marc Courtines & Jose LaSalle
are running shoulder to shoulder at this point. Without
Yves-Marc's new singlet, Jose may have not realized that they
are teammates.
- Photo
13: Sarah Gross looks quite humorless, having just
climbed to the highest point (in altitude) of the race.
Back behind her is the usual cheering squad of Stacy Creamer
and Stuart Calderwood.
- Photo
21: In a recent note, we commented that we felt that our
photos are becoming repetitious (to wit, too many shots of Alan
Ruben coming down the straightway). So we relocated
our photographer today to get a shot of Alan Ruben with
Cleopatra's Needle in the background. In the final analysis,
we are not sure that we were completely successful, as the landmark
dominated the people.
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22: Peter Allen is a cloud of orange today.
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23: Paul Stuart-Smith ran two races today --- a
two miler and a three miler. This is his first hard effort
since that Joe Kleinerman 10K, so it was really a trial.
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24: Gordon Streeter characterizes himself
as being not in full training at present.
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25: Rick Shaver
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26: Jose LaSalle
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27: Yves-Marc Courtines, looking strained at being
dropped by both Jose LaSalle and Lindsey Scherf ...
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28: Sarah Gross would finish as sixth overall female,
in addition to first female Master.
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29: Eden Weiss
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30: Frank Schneiger alerted the photographer that
his left side is his 'good' side. Unfortunately, there is
no way to do that if the Needle is to be included in the background.
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31: Right behind Carol Tyler is the famous Alexander
Hamilton statue, which is a frequent landmark in our workouts.
- Stacy Creamer retrieving a riderless horse
on the bridle path. We have yet to figure out what she couldn't
do ...
- Regina Jacobs jogging around the bridle
path, as observed by Mel Washington who said, "I said
hello to her, as if we were old friends." Just the
day before, Regina won $10,000 for breaking the mile record at
the Armory Track in the second best American time ever.