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01: Diane Lebowitz
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02: Robin Roberts
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03: Kate Hitchcock (NYAC) between Robin
Roberts and Diane Lebowitz
- Photo
04: A quartermile left in the race, Kate Hitchcock
is comfortably ahead. Somewhere back in the white shirt
is Kiet Vo, who said afterwards, "I hope you didn't
get any pictures of me suffering." Well, we had a choice
between Kate and Kiet, and guess whom we chose?
- Photo
05: Diane Lebowitz, 5th overall, 1st master
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06: Robin Roberts, 8th overall, 2nd master
- Photo
11: Monica Bonamego in pre-race warmup jog
- Photo
12: Meanwhile, our Social Director James Siegel
is in a panic because he couldn't find his team singlet. Postscript:
Spellchecker Audrey Kingsley wants to know: "Is James
Siegel in a panic or in a picnic?"
- Photo
13: Three-quarters of a mile into the race, these
are the three leaders: Arsenio Ortiz (APRC), George
Milic (WSX) and Toby Tanser (CPTC).
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14: Rob Zand
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15: Erik Goetze, Alan Ruben, Isaya Okwiya
- Photo
16: Kevin Arlyck
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17: Lauren Eckhart, Shelley Farmer, Josh Friedman,
Margaret Schotte
- Photo
18: Darlene Miloski is a new member, and
you would not be surprised to find out that she is (1) Canadian
and (2) a triathlete.
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19: A quartermile left in the face, Erik Goetze
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20: Peter Allen, and the top of Craig
Chilton's head
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51: The man without a singlet James Siegel
runs with the invisible singlet on which he pinned his invisble
race bib
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21: Jesus Montero
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22: Adam Newman
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23: Madame Eve Bois's first race
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24: Jessica Merritt shows how to smile
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25: Edwin Fajardo follows Frank Schneiger
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31: Our wonderful and positively sparkling teammates
Margaret Schotte and Margaret Angell.
- Photo
32: The newly weds Eve and Stéphane Bois,
plus Guillaume Pere (WS).
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33: Sammy Ruben looks at a photo of his mom
in a race.
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52: Tom Phillips, Peter Allen and
Robbie Allen
- Photo
41: Our Social Director James Siegel had
scheduled for a team picnic after this race. Unfortunately,
someone else in higher authority scheduled pouring rain today.
At first, we thought we would have our picnic underneath the NYRRC
registration tent, but it was taken away soon.
- Photo
42: So we relocated to the North Meadow Recreational
Center underneath the roof. Although James Siegel
had said, "I think there will only be three people",
our last-minute plea brought thirty-three people to come over
in the rain.
- Photo
43: Our photographic work must be said to be spotty
today due to the pouring rain during and after the race.
Still, we had flashes of brilliance as is this photo of Stephanie
Gould looking for water in the rain. On this day, Stephanie
said, "Look! I'm not wearing my oversized grey Powerbar
20 Miler t-shirt!" Great, so she wears a sleeveless
grey shirt and we missed her once again during the race ...
how about some orange next time?
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44: Food, food, food ...
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45: The contrarian kids Joey and Sammny
Ruben try to look for more water.
- Photo
46: The kids get ready to go home. "Wet?
We're not wet!"