Audrey Kingsley on the run. About this race, Audrey
says, "This has got to be the most magnificent start for women
in any marathon race. I would go back to run London again
just for the start."
Loves and kisses all around from Audrey Kingsley.
Okay, where do these photos come from? Even
though Bola Awofeso threatened to fly over to London to take
photos, he actually did not go. To get to the bottom of this,
Audrey cross-examined our professional expert witness (who has sworn
to tell nothing but the truth and the whole truth --- in "Yes"
or "No", of course).
- Audrey: "Did anyone sent you a picture of
- Answer: "No."
- Audrey: "Hmmm ... what do you mean no?
I know somebody did. Hmm ... ahhh ... did anyone send you
pictures of me?"
- Answer: "Yes."
- Audrey: "Was it my friend (name withheld)
who sent it to you?"
- Answer: "No."
- Audrey: "Was it my friend (name withheld)
who sent it to you?"
- Answer: "No."
- Audrey: "Hmmm ... then there is only one
possible link left ... was it (name withheld) who forwarded the
photos to you?"
- Answer: "Yes."
- Audrey: "That's odd. My friend could
have sent it to you directly. I wonder why ..."
- Answer (overstepping his professional expertise
in trying to be helpful): "... maybe he is too shy
... ?"
- Audrey: "Ha, ha, ha ... very funny ..."
(warning: inside joke here)
These photos came with these words: "NO ONE
IS SAFE! These come from a mutual friend of mine and Audrey's
who also did London. (though not sure after this if we will all
still be friends)."
When finishers cross the line, they are awarded
medals. When Charles Allard Jr. finally made it there,
the person in charge of the medals said, "Oh, you are the
third person from the Central Park Track Club that I have given
medals to so far." "Oh, really! Who were
they?" "The other two were women ..."
The London Marathon ends at the Buckingham Palace. To celebrate
her finish, Margaret Angell proceeded to get a photo op with
the palace guard.
But what is the joy of standing next to a dour-faced person?
Margaret Angell tries to cheer the palace guard up.
Of course, the palace guard was totally unamused by her antics.
P.S. The supplier of these two photos said, "After this,
I don't know if Margaret will ever talk to me again ..."
Be as that may, it was worth it! (quote from Tyronne Culpepper:
"I liked this photo so much that I downloaded it onto my computer.")
COMMENT: A few more races like this one, we'll
have a whole team of people who don't speak to each other ...