- Photo
14: Hey, Margeret Angell, don't forget to
fasten your chip!
- Photo
15: A stroll along Central Park West with Stacy
Creamer, Stuart Calderwood and Mary Rosado.
- Photo
01: The NYRRC caretaker for the elite runners is
none other than Toby Tanser. This is a significant
under-utilization of Toby's linguistic skills, since the roster
required only English, Portuguese, Italian, Swahili and Russian,
when he could have easily covered French, Spanish, Swedish, Icelandic,
Finnish, Danish, etc as well.
- Photo
02: This is Amy Sheeran's first team race,
and she has this race strategy: "I heard that this race is
crazy because everyone gets pulled along by the professionals
at the start. I think I will stick to Stacy Creamer,
who seems to start sensibly."
- Photo
03: At the local elite line-up, Alayne Adams
and Margaret Angell are completely surrounded by New York
- Photo
04: Standing at attention for the national anthem:
Amy Shearan, Audrey Kingsley and Alayne Adams.
- Photo
05: Here is our photogenic teammate, Sandra Scibelli.
Oh, and then there's Paula Radcliffe too. By the
way, our opinion of Sandra was significantly revised when we saw
her driver's license photo ...
- Photo
06: The American anthem was sung by Ann Marie
- Photo
07: Pre-race favorite (picked by Toby Tanser)
is Paula Radcliffe, reigning IAAF World Half Marathon champion
and IAAF World Cross Country (long course) champion.
- Photo
08: Fernanda Ribeiro is the national heroine
of Portugal, being an Olympic 10,000m champion and a two-time
10,000m winner at the World Championships.
- Photo
09: Paula Radcliffe with Kenyan Florence
- Photo
10: Carol Montgomery (Canada) and Restituta
Joseph (Tanzania).
- Photo
11: The Russians Irina Timofeyeva and Ludmila
Petrova (2000 NYC Marathon winner).
- Photo
12: It is unfortunate that they don't give out awards
for best photography, but this photo of Restituta Joseph
would have won a few. But then, as is often the case, this
has nothing to do with our photographer and everything to do with
the subject.
- Photo
13: 100 meters into the race, and the leader is
... Paula Radcliffe, followed by Restituta Joseph.
- Photo
123: Paula Radcliffe, about to unleash that
5:59 2,000m finishing kick
- Photo
120: Kim Saddic (unattached)
- Photo
121: Alexa Babakhanian (WTC)
- Photo
122: Jeanne Pare (WS) and Kristen LaSasso
- Photo
115: Alayne Adams, with Margaret Morrow
- Photo
114: You'd have to wonder what coach Tony Ruiz
is saying to Margaret Angell
- Photo
116: Margeret Angell
- Photo
111: Amy Shearan, next to Deborah Gaebler
- Photo
112: Amy Shearan, next to Deborah Gaebler
(GNY). This is not the same picture as the preceding one,
because a high-speed repeat-shooter was used.
- Photo
113: Amy Shearan, next to Deborah Gaebler
(GNY). This time, Amy Sheeran commits the mortal
sin of looking at her watch.
- Photo
101: Audrey Kingsley, with coach Tony
Ruiz by the roadside
- Photo
102: At which point, Audrey Kingsley commits
the mortal sin of looking at her watch too ...
- Photo
119: Stacy Creamer, and Ulrike Bromme
- Photo
21: The top local runner today was Gordon Bakoulis
(Moving Comfort), who wrote: "You can peg me as a Mini
veteran by the fact that I still occasionally refer to it by the
names of its various sponsors over the years -- "Avon,"
"Advil," even "L'Eggs." Fortunately, there
are enough long-time hard-core fans of the race out there that
at least one person within earshot usually knows what I am talking
about. There is a sizable group of us -- many New Yorkers but
a healthy number of out-of-towners as well -- who make a big effort
to come back to the Mini every year. If we happen to be in shape,
we make the Mini the focus of our spring racing season. If we're
less fit than we'd like to be, we give it our best shot, finishing
red-faced and panting, knowing we'll be sore for days. Sometimes,
when we really haven't trained at all, the Mini is our spring
season -- along with summer and fall as well. On race morning
we look around, find each other, and reconnect. We smile almost
bashfully, slightly embarrassed to be seen once again making this
public declaration of our very personal, very passionate affection
for, yes, a road race -- a big, sprawling, impersonal, commercial
happening on a June morning in New York City. Each of us, whether
we'll admit it or not, has a relationship with the Mini Marathon.
Somehow, it is an event that grounds us. It defines a part of
who we are. More than any other race, the Mini allows us to show
our loyalty-to running, to New York, to one another, and to ourselves."
- Photo
22: Leaping through the air is Kim Griffin
(WS), 39-1/2 years old, to the consternation of the 40-44 years
- Photo
23: Another local favorite, Gladees Prieur
- Photo
24: Yet another local favorite, Alexa
- Photo
31: Alayne Adams, 1st CPTC
- Photo
32: Margaret Angell, 2nd CPTC
- Photo
33: Amy Sheeran, 3rd CPTC
- Photo
34: Stacy Creamer, 4th CPTC
- Photo
35: Audrey Kingsley, 5th CPTC
- Photo
36: Sarah Gross
- Photo
37: Laura Miller with our friend Roslyn
- Photo
40: This was a gorgeous morning, warm and dry.
This is a view of the finish area from the other side of Sheep
- Photo
106: Audrey Kingsley was given the same time
as but one position ahead of Aimee Landry, but that doesn't
mean they can't be on speaking terms.
- Photo
41: Audrey Kingsley is not satisfied with
the slow speed by which race results are published on this website,
so she uses the cellular phone to give a near-real-time report
to Patrick McPhillips in Chicago.
- Photo
107: Audrey Kingsley ducks behind a bush
to hide from the photographer.
- Photo
42: Among the walking wounded is Jerome O'Shaughnessy,
with the taped ankle.
- Photo
43: Amy Sheeran, first time in a team scoring
race and third place on the team
- Photo
44: Post-race refreshment is the very healthy SoBeLean.
But where's the caffeine?
- Photo
45: Sandra Scibelli said, "I'm trying
very hard to ignore the contents inside the can that I am holding
- Photo
49: Sandra Scibelli is probably looking to
swap her drink with someone. How about Amy Sheeran's
- Photo
46: Isabela Tagliati in one mood
- Photo
48: Isabela Tagliati in another mood
- Photo
47: Sandra Olivo is still recovering from
foot surgery, so she is cross-training on a bike today.
Before we know it, she'll be taking up swimming and joining the
other CPTC (Central Park Triathlon Club).
- Photo
50: Prognosis for Mary Wittenberg --- "Any
day now!" She did want to know, "How many children
does Alayne Adams have? Three? Then there is
plenty of life afterwards ..." Postscript: Baby
Alex arrived that evening.
- Photo
62: Waiting for things to start is the Russian contingent:
Irina Timofeyeva, Ludmila Petrova plus Andrey
- Photo
63: Paula Radcliffe and Toby Tanser
supposedly will go running the next day. Well, the last
time that they went running, Toby ended up all bloodied.
Let's hope this one is easier.
- Photo
51: Ludmila Petrova, 5th place overall
- Photo
52: Florence Barsosio, 3rd place overall
- Photo
53: Restituta Joseph, 2nd place overall
- Photo
54: Florence Barsosio, Paula Radcliffe
(overall winner and new course record (30:47) holder) and Restituta
- Photo
55: Margaret Angell, 5th F20-29. Her
time of 38:15 is a personal best, but that was not too difficult
since this is only her third ever 10K race.
- Photo
56: Stacy Creamer in one of her many trips
to collect trophies. This is the price for knowing too many
people who were not there to pick up themselves.
- Photo
57: Irene Jackson-Schon, 3rd F50-54.
The trophy is nice, but the food today (what food?) was not as
good as the Rikers Island 5K a month ago ...
- Photo
58: Mary V. Rosado, 2nd F50-54, with Stacy
Creamer. Mary said, "I don't like age group trophies,
because people can figure out your age when they see it ..."
- Photo
59: Stacy Creamer, Amy Shearan, Audrey
Kingsley and Margaret Angell were those in the third-place
open team today. "Sparkling" is the adjective
for these four.
- Photo
60: Gladees Prieur was the one with the biggest
haul today --- here, she holds all five awards for the second
place MCNY team. In additional, she was also fourth among
local runners.
- Photo
61: The largest trophy of today is the Mini Cup,
which goes to the team with the largest number of finishers.
By a handy margin, the winners were the New York Flyers,
with 81 finishers today. From Francine Alfandary
(NYF): "And thanks for getting a picture of our trophy.
I like your team best after my team." Yes, we'll have
to work on Francine a bit more ...
(special photo credit: The series numbered 100 and
above comes from Shai Waisman)