01: Unhappiness is coming out early in the morning
for Shelley Farmer to race in pouring rain.
02: Ah, now we know why all triathletes have broad,
wide shoulders --- take a took at the size of the bags that Shelley
Farmer and Josh Friedman carry.
03: The creatures from the black lagoon --- Josh
Friedman and Shelley Farmer.
04: With time enough for a waltz between Shelley
Farmer and Josh Friedman before the race.
05: Triathlons are about intimidation and stare-downs
before the race --- Shelley Farmer, Josh Friedman
& Lauren Eckhart.
06: The toughest part is when you cannot make up
your mind if you want to be mean or you want to laugh --- here,
Shelley Farmer looks very mean while Lauren Eckhart
is about to burst into laughter.
07: You do not have to worry about drowning because
there is no lifeguard on duty. Instead, you should worry
about drowning in that rain.
08: And the first wave of swimmers rush into the
water ...
09: Any notion of keeping dry and clean is completely
erased as Shelley Farmer steps into the mud.