We had our annual softball game after the Club Championshps.  We couldn't decide whether to play aginst the New York Flyers, or just have an intrasquad game.  Since only a handful of Flyers could make it, we did both.  Tony Ruiz led the pure-CPTC team against a mixed CPTC/Flyers group.  Most of the photos and captions here are courtesy of Stuart Alexander, who claims to know nothing about baseball.

This is the place, Field #6.  Audrey Kingsley bats while a guest from the New York Flyers looks for the ball.
Warming up before the game.
Tony Ruiz practices pitching, and quickly decides that he needs to switch to a new position when the game starts.
Marty Levine gets ready to bat.
Glen Carnes takes batting practice.
It helps to wait for the pitch before you swing...
Flyer Fran Obeid takes some cuts.
Fred Trilli fires over to first.
Coach Tony Ruiz consults with Kellie Quinones on the team selection.
Tony Ruiz divides up the teams.  Somehow all the star players end up on his team...
Tony Ruiz gathers his team for a pep talk.
Joe Tumbarello has his water bottle at the ready.
Bola Awofeso, sporting some fine foot gear, and Toby Tanser decide to sit out this strange American game, saying they would rather play football. And we know they don't mean the game that requires shoulder pads.
Sid Howard and Sue Pearsall check out the food.
Our star pitcher, Kellie Quinones, is up for the pitch.
Kellie winds up ...
... and lets it fly, while Sid Howard and Tony Ruiz hope the ball is hit towards someone else.
An unidentified Flyer swings hard.
Jesse Lansner takes a last warm-up swing.
We see why Jesse isn't a sprinter, as he's thrown out running to first base.
Dave Delano watches the low and outside pitch.
Dave Delano waits for a good pitch ...
... and drives it to right field.
Dave Delano gets advice from third base coach Sid Howard.
"I wish I were old enough to join the game."
Bill Haskins and Jeff Wilson relax while some players stretch in the background.
Kellie Quinones pitches to Pat
Here's the pitch...
... Pat swings ...
... and launches the ball to right field ...
...for a triple and an RBI, as Glen Carnes scores.
Kellie Quinonnes watches the outfielders chase after the ball.
Double threat Kellie Quinones hits as well as she pitches.
Joe Tumbarello hurls the bat down on his dash to first base.
Frank Morton demonstrates excellent batting form.
Adam Manewell, Sid Howard, Zeb Nelessen, Dave Delano and Frank Handelman watch intently.
Neeraj Engineer steps in against Jesse Lansner.
Neeraj Engineer hits a long drive for a triple.
Spectators watch Neeraj's hit ...
.. and then return to their previous conversations.
Zeb Nelessen steps up to bat.
A powerful swing from Zeb Nelessen.  We wonder how his glasses stay on his head...
Neeraj Engineer scores.
Tony Ruiz tells Alan Ruben "It's your turn to make the team proud."  Photographic evidence suggests that Alan Ruben has not really appeared at an Annual Club Softball Game since sometime in about a decade.  His appearance in the annual photos has merely been some deft work with Photoshop.  How else does one explain the same Turkey Trot shirt he is wearing in every photo every year?
Alan Ruben in the red, white and blue swings.
Alan Ruben doubles.  But what would he have done if we were playing cricket?
Adam Manewell has no confidence in Jesse Lansner's ability to get the ball over the plate.
That's one he can hit!
Alan Ruben crosses home plate.
A little too much excitement for Alan Ruben.
Mary Diver chats with the benchwarmers.
"Just hand over the lollipop and nobody gets hurt..."
Hey!  No bunts allowed!
We'll get the next guy...
Kent Edens risks patent infringement for a novel way to carry his mitt.  Jerome O'Shaughnessy was waiting to capitalize on this invention as raingear at last year's Softball Game.
Coach Tony Ruiz led his team with characteristic passion and energy.  Here he is instructing a newcomer to the game.
Isaya Okwiya drove all the way from West Virginia to participate in the morning's race.  Since he's a newcomer to the sport of baseball, Tony Ruiz gives him a quick overview of the game.
"Are you sure I should swing at pitches two feet above my head?"
"Maybe the coach was just kidding..."
Isaya Okwiya quickly gets the knack of the game, and makes a long drive into left field.
Meanwhile, the ever elegant Toby Tanser illustrates by example the proper way to recover after a race.
Neeraj Engineer launches another one.
Tony Ruiz's father swings at a ball in the dirt.
Stacy Creamer and Paul Sinclair are having too much fun to pay attention to the game.
Pat enjoys a "soft drink" while Stacy Creamer pretends to be talking to the 1988 version of Alan Ruben that is PhotoShopped into the frame.
Stuart and Kieran Calderwood get in a few extra miles between innings.
Kieran Calderwood and Sammy Ruben ignore the game.
As the afternoon goes on more and more players become spectators.
  Walrus Internet