On Saturday, May 3rd, 2003, on or about
1200 hours, a group of people were observed to enter the restaurant
Soy located on 102 Suffolk Street in the Soho area of New York City.
Although this restaurant was officially closed at the time (note:
its hours of operations were from 1700 hours to 2300 hours), these
individuals took over the place as if they owned it and promptly
went about their business. Their activities were captured
by the surveillance camera.
- Photo
01 Subject Andrea Ostrowski was observed
to be pumping in hot air to inflate orange balloons. Upon
information and belief, these balloons in unusual colors had been
procured after a long search in many stores.
- Photo
02 What was the purpose of these orange balloons?
We have reason to believe that it was to obscure the view from
the street so that passerbys will not be able to discern the activities
- Photo
03 Although subjects Bola Awofeso and Andrea
Ostrowski were professional balloon blowers, they still had
to resort to other means to fill the additional balloons with
helium gas.
- Photo
04 Although the facility is registered as a restaurant,
it is also a retail/wholesale retailer of hand-crafted handbags.
After these individuals vacated the premise, it was recorded that
five of these handbags were missing and presumed to have been
taken by one or more subjects within the group. Subjects
Margaret Schotte, Laura Lee Kozusko and Stacy
Creamer who were recorded on camera to have taken the handbags
would claim that they were paid for in full. As a consequence,
the case has been referred to the IRS for prosecution of sales
tax evasion. Note: The lobster on the wall was left
- Photo
05 The subject later identified as Jeff Wilson
even drank tea belonging to the premise in the company of subject
Lauren Eckhart.
- Photo
06 The entry of the place was effected by the subject
later identified as Etsuko Kizawa, who was observed to
have gone through the front door with a pass key taken from the
restaurant operator. Upon information and belief, the subject
Kizawa had known that the licensed restaurant operator did not
expect anyone to breach the facilities during the daytime when
the said restaurant was not opened for business. Upon entry
into the premise, the subject was observed to head immediately
into the kitchen area and began to examine the prepared food.
- Photo
07 Subject Etsuko Kizawa was subsequently
asked about the K's
Choice t-shirt that she was seen to be wearing.
Although she denied any special significance, it was later established
that subject Ali Rosenthal was also a fan of the said band,
thereby establishing a solid link among the members of the group
of subjects involved in this particular incident.
- Photo
09 Subjects Jerome O'Shaughnessy, Shula Sarner
and David Smith were observed to be discussing choking
people. During interrogation, subject Shula Sarner claimed
that she was a trained doctor giving advice. A follow-up
with her educational institution revealed that her doctorate degree
was in psychology, not medicine, and her case has therefore been
referred to the State of New York Attorney General to be brought
up on charges of false practice, which is a felony in the state
of New York.
- Photo
10 Subjects Sarah Gross, Chris Potter
and Glen Carnes were recorded on camera. When these
subjects were interrogated about their improper dress codes (to
wit, shirts) for the observed activities, they claimed that they
took their work seriously and reverently.
- Photo
08 After some initial exploration of the premise,
the subjects in fact sat down for a while and took no further
action. This surveillance photo includes subjects Jesse
Lansner, John Affleck, Neeraj Engineer, Devon Martin and Audrey
Kingsley. Subject Devon Martin was observed to
be holding a pair of shoes which she claimed during interrogation
to be her personal property. When challenged with the rhetorical
question "How many people do you see carrying their shoes
around?" she immediately invoked her Fifth Amendment rights
and stated that she would act as her own attorney as she is licensed
as such in the state of New York. Subject Neeraj Engineer
was observed to be holding a digital camera which he claimed to
bring everywhere he goes. When asked about the purpose,
he claimed that "Everybody goes around with a digital camera
these days." Upon examination of the latter portions
of the surveillance tape, it was believed that these individuals
were waiting for further instructions from their leader, who had
not yet arrived on the premise at this time.
- Photo 31
Subjects Lauren Eckhart, Devon Martin and Audrey
Kingsley were observed waiting for the festivities to begin.
- Photo 32
As the subjects grews restless waiting, they were seen to snack
on edamame.
Meanwhile, in another part of town,
our confidential informant was following the ringleader of the gang,
the subject known as Toby Tanser, who has been known on record
to have multiple citizenships and passports. At the beginning
of the surveillance assignment, it was observed that subject Tanser
apparently did not know his directions. Upon information and
belief, he had arranged to meet an individual who lived on the 29th
floor of a building at the corner of East 17th Street and Third
Avenue. However, subject Tanser was observed to be running
up and down 17th Street, with a look of panic Apparently,
he could not find the one and only one building that has more than
5 flights on the whole street. Eventually, subject Tanser
accomplished his goal and was soon observed to be heading to the
Union Square subway station, where he boarded a downtown #6 local
train. After two stops, subject Tanser disembarked at the
Bleecker Street station. Subject Tanser was overheard by our
confidential informant to say that "Bleecker Street is a place
where famous people like Bob Dylan hung out."
Subject Tanser did not mention that he was not even born when Dylan
lived there.
After proceeding to the F train station
platform, subject Tanser was informed by the PA system that there
were no local downtown F trains today. Subject Tanser elected
to get out on the street and proceed by foot. This fact is
an indication of how anxious subject Tanser was to get there, for
although subject Tanser used to be a fast runner, he is much slower
these days. Upon ascending to Houston Street, subject Tanser
further displayed his lack of direction by heading westwards until
he saw the Hudson River. Whereupon he had to turn back eastbound
and therefore lost much time. After following Houston Street
east, subject Tanser was next observed to turn south along the Bowery,
stating his intent to view this famous New York City landmark.
However, he did not approach any of the many Bowery bums.
Upon reaching the Delancey Street intersection, subject Tanser turned
eastwards. First, he pretended that he was looking for a McDonald's
restaurant, then he pretended to be looking for a Burger King and
just he acted as if he was ready to go up the Williamsburg Bridge,
he quickly ducked into the narrow side street known as Suffolk Street.
Our confidential informant was able to see through these deceptive
moves, followed him all the way and observed subject Tanser entering
the premise of the Soy restaurant where his accomplices were waiting
for him.
And now comes the dénouément
(note: this is a French word) of the occasion. This elaborate
exercise --- including but not restricted to the breaking-and-entering,
the balloon inflation, the raiding of the kitchen pantry and the
grand tour of the Bowery --- was a 'surprise' party for one of their
dear friends who is about to depart to Hong Kong, right into the
heart of SARS country.
- Photo 30
This must be the place...
- Photo
11 The honored guest of the occasion is Roland
Soong, aka the Global Surveillance System.
- Photo
18 Everybody has worked hard today and the food
is all set to be served.
- Photo
12 But, just as at every single one of our annual
year-end awards dinners, nobody eats until the old guys do their
speeches. Here, the designated speaker of the day is CPTC
founder Frank Handelman, as recorded by Jesse Lansner.
Toby Tanser is observed to be blocking the doorway to make
sure that nobody leaves.
- Photo 33
The picutre that Jesse Lansner was taking in the previous
- Photo
13 Amazingly enough, the captive audience even had
smiles. Jerome O'Shaughnessy obviously has a couple
of reasons to smile about, but what about the others?
- Photo 34
Roland Soong has worked hard to ensure that very little
information about him makes it on to the website. Therefore,
the audience pays close attention to this rare glimpse into Roland's
- Photo
14 Frank Handelman's speech contains a long
recount of his inept efforts at googling the name of the honored
guest (hint: for entertainment, try this page
before it vanishes, but Margaret Schotte and Tyronne
Culpepper can try this page
- Photo
15 Although old people get tired easily, they compensate
by running relays instead. So after Frank Handelman
came Alan Ruben.
- Photo
16 Finally, we reach the moment of the gift presentation.
What do you expect to give when you send someone out to oblivion?
A watch, of course, even though the length of service was less
than the usual 30 years. Since this website started in 1996,
then the term of service was on or about seven years (give or
take a few years).
- Photo
17 Everybody and their baby enjoyed the presentation.
The recepient said that this upscale Tag Heuer watch would be
a nice change with the US$10 Casio digital watch that he used
to call out splits at the workout (and you were wondering why
you seem slower than you think!).
- Photo 35
Kieran Calderwood arrives at the party.
- Photo
19 The owner of the restaurant is none other than
the aforementioned Etsuko Kizawa, and therefore she was
entitled to break-and-enter after hours with impunity. By
the way, she was totally aghast when Sid Howard brought
the honored guest for dinner on Thursday night because she thought
the cover of the Saturday surprise party was blown for sure.
- Photo
20 Standing behind the counter is none other than
Audrey Kingsley, aka the Membership Secretary.
- Photo 36
Kieran Calderwood worries about whether Roland's depature
mean's he'll show up in fewer pictures on the website.
- Photo 37
Because Soy is such a small space, Toby told some guests to show
up later in the afternoon. Last to arrive were Margaret
Schotte and Ali Rosenthal.
- Photo
21 Leave-taking is always sad, and there is more
than one person going this time. Joseph and Laura
Lee Kozusko will be moving to Pensacola, Florida where Joseph
will be teaching at the University of Western Florida.
- Photo
22 Ali Rosenthal is taking no leave, as she
is getting back into running again. This photo is in tradition
with her line, "You publish the most awful photos of me!"
- Photo
23 Margaret Schotte does ask for leave from
running to rack up those biathlon (sorry: duathlon) wins.
- Photo 38
Frank Handelman shows off his new look. "My
daughter told me that if I ran a sub-2:15 800m and won Nationals
I had to get an earring, so I got this two weeks ago. Most
people haven't commented; they just think I've had it for years
and that they never noticed before."
- Photo 39
Joseph Kozusko, Roland Soong and Laura Lee Kozusko
all promise Etsuko Kizawa that they will stop by Soy every
time they're back in New York, but they all refuse to take any
of the baloons home with them.
- Further pictures, and some very long videos,
are availble on Neeraj Engineer's site.
To close this particular chapter, the
honored guest has composed a few words that he did not get to deliver
on this occasion.
The most immediate question was whether
I knew about the surprise party beforehand. Well, something
was not right because I sure hadn't publicized my plans on the
website and yet people like Irene Jackson-Schon (Taos,
New Mexico) and Charles Allard Jr. (Tokyo, Japan) were
writing in. Ergo, someone was circulating email behind my
back, but I still had not idea which direction the 'attack' would
be coming from. Toby Tanser had been hassling me
to do breakfast going back many years and I had always declined
on the grounds that I would have to wake up to do so. Therefore,
his most recent offer of switching to lunch this Saturday was
not entirely implausible. But it got really implausible
when, due to the many traffic mishaps, Toby was plainly lost and
could not pinpoint where we need to go to ("... well, we
need to get to Soy first and then..."). And then we
turned around the corner and I saw the window of Soy covered with
orange balloons ... hmmm ... rocket science, this isn't ... Surprised
or not, I felt quite honored that people would waste their time
doing this for me.
Personally, I do not consider this
to be leave-taking. I am heading to Hong Kong to assume
the role of care-giver for my mother. I will hold my same
job that I had in New York City, as I will deal with the same
Latin Americans that I never meet anyway. I will keep my
apartment in New York City as I have no intention of dealing either
with the co-op board or the possible 'sub-lease tenant from Hell.'
You will in fact see me quite often in the future. For example,
I will be in town for a full month around the New York City Marathon.
I was asked today how the website
got started. This simplest summary plot is, "The anarchists
just went ahead on their own and seized control of the means of
production." The website does not have formal job requirements
or specifications emanating from the executive board of directors.
I simply did what I feel was good within the means that I have
(very little), accepting the feedback that come in (quite a lot).
Just as all of you would not be running now if you do not enjoy
it, I enjoyed what I did. Along the way, it so happened
that the website grew in popularity. As of last month, we
are getting 1,500 user sessions per day (more than 500,000 per
year) here, which is an absurdly high number for a club with a
membership roster of 200 (plus or minus a couple hundred).
Of the many myths about this website,
there is the one that the website is what attracted runners to
this team. While it is true that I can claim that we caught
our greatest runner in the Internet age --- Toby Tanser
--- through the website, this is far from being the whole story.
The reality is that we still rely heavily on grassroots recruiting.
Thus, from Fireman John Gleason came Margaret Angell,
who got Margaret Schotte and Ali Rosenthal, and
we then had a key part of our open women champion team last year.
From Sid Howard, we found Alston Brown, Clinton
Bell, Jim Sutton and company because he was willing to talk
to anyone and everyone at the meets. And then we have Devon
Martin who cross-referenced the Colombia University track
record holders with the Columbia alumni directory and contacted
every single one of them so that we now have Evan Zeisel,
David Epstein, Amerigo Rossi, Mike Grant and
company. This website is only a passive recruiter,
but all of you can be active recruiters. And the
website does make the club more appealing to the new recruits,
most of the time.
As for the future of the website,
the primary responsibility of maintenance will be handed over
to Jesse Lansner in the month of May. In fact, the
maintenance of the website has been co-shared since January of
this year and not too many people may have noticed. In the
past, this website has been driven by force of personality to
some degree, and it will now have a different personality, which
is neither better nor worse, but it will be different. Those
of you who are accustomed to one thing may not like something
else. But this club was founded by three long-haired hippie
lawyers (David Blackstone, Frank Handelman and Jack
Brennan) and this website began when anarchists took over
on their own intiative. So if you don't like it, you can
seize the means of production yourself! Sitting back to
whine is not an option!
Among my potential legacies is this
one --- you can make Etsuko Kizawa's Soy
restaurant your wholesome, healty restaurant of choice.
It is not that far away from the East River Track so this is an
easy venue for a light post-workout meal. And you can make
it to the Wall of Fame too! Can you find Sid Howard?

Among his many preparations for this
party, Toby Tanser assembled tributes to Roland from various
club members. These were presented to Roland at the party,
and are now available here.