To boost our recruitment efforts, there
is now an incentive plan in place. Here is how it works:
- stay on the lookout for potential or talented runners interested
in being part of the team
- invite them to a few Thursday workouts
- if they enjoy running with the team, have them fill out an application
and remind them to indicate that they heard about CPTC from you
- any member mentioned in how they heard about CPTC will gain
one point for each new recruit
- please bear in mind our policy concerning accepting members from other teams (read policy at end of page); points will only be awarded for recruiting unattached runners
- team participation on the part of new recruits will be "loosely" monitored to ensure that new recruits stay involved with the team
- if a new recruit is inactive during the first year of membership,
the credit awarded to the sponsor will become void
- more than one person may receive credit for each recruit
- at the end of the year, the team member with the most points
will be given credit for their annual dues - at a value of $75! Of course, we know that you would do it for the glory, not just
the money.
- as coaches, Kobie Fuller, Devon Martin and Tony Ruiz
will not receive points towards the free membership, but their
recruitment efforts will still be recorded here.
- the process will be monitored by Sarah Gross
Scoredboard for 2005
Last Name |
First Name |
Cane |
Jonathan |
1 |
1 |
Courtines |
Yves-Marc |
1 |
1 |
Howard |
Sid |
3 |
3 |
Ruiz |
Tony |
4 |
4 |
Tanser |
Toby |
1 |
1 |
10 |
10 |
All members of the Central Park Track Club should be aware of the club's policy concerning recruiting people from other local running clubs. No one should try to encourage anyone from any other local running club to leave that club and to join the Central Park Track Club. However, if for whatever reason a person has left or intends to leave their club and is interested in joining CPTC, then it is OK to talk to them about what our club offers and the procedure for joining CPTC. The important distinction here is that the initial approach must NOT come from us.
If CPTC receives a membership application from someone who is leaving, or has left their team, we will contact their team leader to make sure that they are aware of the situation. If that leader objects to that person joining CPTC and we determine that unfair recruiting has taken place we will not accept their application at that time. We will not reconsider a subsequent application from that person until at least three months has elapsed from the date of the initial application.
Let's remember that we are one of the larger running teams in the New York area and it is not in our interests to expand by recruiting people from other smaller teams. We welcome a large number of vibrant, active teams in the area in order to enhance the level of team competition and inter-club rivalry.