Access Statistics
VISITOR # 400,000
400,000 [3/1/2003] At the beginning
of this week, we had projected that we would reach this milestone
at the beginning of next week (Monday?). Instead, with 800
home page hits on the day after those record-breaking relays, we
got there a couple of days earlier. That extra piece of action
is the perfect illustration of the reason of our success --- if
you have fresh and interesting content, they will come; conversely,
if you have stale and uninteresting content, they won't come.
It is that simple. It should not have had to take billions
of internet venture capital dollars to re-discover that principle.
That this website should arrive at this 400,000 figure was, and
still is, unthinkable. After all, we are just a club of about
200 team members and this website is notorious for its self-absorption/self-indulgence.
So what interest can the rest of the world conceivably have in us?
Our answer is consistently, "Who knows? But we
don't care!" Whatever the motiviations of people are,
we know that we will inexorably roll towards that 500,000 mark around
September of this year. See you then!
VISITOR # 300,000
On Tuesday (25th June, 2002), the home
page counter on this website went past the 300,000. How many
people are 300,000? Assuming that there are 30,000 runners
in the New York City Marathon, this is ten times as many people.
This counter was initiated on June
24th, 1997 and so it took five years and one day to reach this landmark.
During this five year period, we grew at a very rapid rate.
During the calendar year 2001, we had almost 100,000 home page visits.
For 2002, we are likely to get around 150,000 home page visits.
The home page counter refers to the number of times that the home
page was downloaded. Behind this number, there is an even
larger number of hits (defined as the number of files that were
downloaded, including pages, graphics, sound and video files), wherein
we expect to get more than 3,000,000 hits in year 2002.
VISITOR # 200,000
Visitor # 200,000 came on September 13, 2001. It
took exactly 13 months (from August 13, 2000) to get from 100,000
to 200,000. The following picture was sent in by John Scherrer.

Sorry, guys, but I got this trophy
without meaning to ... and it will be another 1,200,000 before you
get a chance with the next one in the sequence (December 1, 2000)
VISITOR # 100,000
Visitor # 100,000 came on August 13, 2000. We have no idea
what it was, but we know now that it was not Stuart Calderwood:
"Rats! I was #99992, #99996, #99999, and...#100,002.
But you probably already knew that. Was the
Big One some guy called Raqui again?"
Many months later, the victor finally came forward
to identify himself. And wouldn't you know it? It had
to be Alan Ruben, who happens
to the Stuart Calderwood's favorite friend/rival.

Historical note: It took about 9 months to
go from 50,000 to 100,000.
VISITOR # 90000
Visitor # 90000 came on July 5, 2000. Coming right after
July 4th, nobody was alert enough to make a claim. Yes, y'all
are getting soft ...
The visitor counter on our home page was initiated
on June 24th, 1997. In the first year, we counted about 12,000
visits. In the second year, we counted about 22,000 visitors.
In the third year, we counted about 54,000 visitors. While
well-financed, highly publicized dot coms could expect growth rates
of better than 100% per year, this is not expected from a website
that is billed as an intranet site for a small community of running
geeks. The reality is that we have transcended the genre.
Our additional traffic, which is several times our theoretical membership
base, comes from two principal sources. First of all, this
website has allowed our members to bring their friends, families
and co-workers closer to their running lives. Secondly, there
are many others unknown to us from all over the world who simply
enjoy our content-rich site. Looking ahead to our next year,
we already see that --- by virtue of our relatively large as well
as loyal audience --- we are becoming more oriented towards various
community services. We hope that you'll be along for the run
VISITOR # 80000
Visitor # 80000 came on May 12, 2000. That means it took
only 53 days to go from 70,000 to 80,000.
Eric Forestier wrote in:"I am extremely
disappointed to have missed the 80000 target. I got 79999 and 80001
(is it one of your tricks?!). It was my only chance to appear
in the club website since my current schedule prevents me from training
and racing!"
VISITOR # 70000
Quietly and without fanfare, visitor # 70000 came on March 21,
VISITOR # 50,000
This milestone went by quickly without
any fanfare on November 9th, 1999. It happened a couple of
days after the New York City Marathon, thanks to an all-time high
of 400+ unique visitors on that Monday after. The more exciting
race was actually whether this site would reach 50,000 first before
our estranged parent site Zona
Latina would reach 100,000. We won by two days, with
a lean at the tape ...
VISITOR # 40,000:
On August 20th, 1999, the following message was posted on our home
page: "As we near the 40,000 visitor landmark,
we felt that we need to protect ourselves against the inevitable
assault from Ramon Bermo and company, in order to protect
the integrity of the counter. Therefore, we have encrypted
the counter. Chinese lessons, anyone?" Tyronne
Culpepper applauded this move, "Excellent idea!"
As observed by the Chinese reader, the counter moved uneventfully
past the landmark. On August 24th, 1999, the counter had moved
to 40,101 (see ensuing photo).

This web site began around January 1997. On June 24th, 1997,
we started our visitor counter. In the first year, we racked
up over 12,000 visits. At that time, we thought that we had
reached our maximum potential. In our second year (from June
1998 to June 1999), we grew to about 22,000 visits. Who knows
where we will go? (Technical note: These counts were underestimates
when benchmarked against our web logs because the counter program
sucks! Sorry for the language, but no other verb does as well.)
VISITOR # 30,000: THE
FROM: Ramon.Bermo@donovandata.com
DATE: Friday, April 23, 1999 3:34 PM
The 'click master' attacked again, and only took 111
clicks this time .... I hope this new title will help to quicken
my mental recovery from my disastrous Boston Marathon .... If only
running a marathon were as easy as sitting in a comfortable chair
and drinking Minute Maid while clicking the computer mouse ....
(The webmaster promptly reset the visitor counter
back by 111 and sent this reply ....)
FROM: rsoong@surveys.com
DATE: 04/23/99 04:20 PM
Subject: You've been had ...
You better check the counter again!!!
FROM: Ramon.Bermo@donovandata.com
DATE: Friday, April 23, 1999 4:38 PM
SUBJECT: RE: You've been had ...
not fair...!! I had proof of my conquest !!!
(ASIDE: What? This guy is complaining about cheating?)
FROM: Ramon.Bermo@donovandata.com
DATE: Friday, April 23, 1999 4:51 PM
SUBJECT: RE: You've been had ...
ATTACHMENTS: image file #
1; image file # 2
OK.....one more try.....this time it took only 112 clicks .... no
more cheating this time!!
VISITOR # 20,000
At 6pm on Tuesday (12/10/98), Ramon Bermo saw that the counter
was past 19940. Knowing that he would have to leave soon for
the workout, he launched an all-out attack using multiple computers.
When he saw the counter reached 19995, he made five rapid clicks
and saw ... 20001. Someone else had sneaked in between!
So, Visitor # 20000, Ramon would like to know who you are, so that
he can make sure that he never talks to you again. Meanwhile,
the very disappointed Ramon wants to make sure that he can claim
#30,000 FAST! We can't want to see our bandwidth charges from
our web hosting service this month! (Jose Lasalle piles
on: "Mondays and Tuesdays are my days off. I can do anything
I want. I think I want to work on getting to #30000.")
P.S. There are likely to be dozens and dozens of people who
will want to make that claim for #20000 because they don't want
Ramon to talk to them. Please be assured that the web log
contains your IP address, so that false claimers will be identified
and punished accordingly.
P.P.S. Audrey Kingsley came to the workout, looking
totally innocent. Of course, this means nothing because she
is known to be a great poker player. Besides, she has a lot
of other more important issues on her mind, like her last race ever
in the 20-29 age group this weekend ...
As the web site visitor counter nears the 10,000
milestone, the usual suspects (Audrey Kingsley et alia) were
poised to pounce. Instead, the surprise winner was Ramon Bermo,
who sent in the following note:
Eh!!! Take a look below.....................I
got big 10000...........Ok, I confess, during my coffee break,
I got into the web and the count was 9923. I thought it'd be nice
to work on the strengthening of my hand muscles, so I started
clicking and clicking and, before you know it............. it
just happened.......... So what's my prize.....?
While clicking 73 times quickly helps to strength your fingers,
it clearly violates the spirit and rule of the competition. So Ramon
gets nothing, except our contempt! Besides, how are stronger fingers
supposed to help his running?
On March 19th, the visitor counter recorded 7549 visitors.
But an impatient Jud Santos sent in the following e-mail:
"I want you to know that I can now claim hit #8000, and can prove it quite
well with the attached JPEG file."
Yes, as I like to tell people, there is nothing that Photo Shop
cannot do ... (see the attached photo --- before you tell me to get
a life, please note that Jud did this one too)
7000 CLUB
A few days ago, I wrote: "When I logged on
to the web site this afternoon, I found the visitor counter at #7001.
Some cheat had sneaked in before me. I want his/her head on a stick!"
Perhaps because of the threat, nobody came forward with a claim
immediately. A week afterwards, the following e-mail arrived from
Audrey Kingsley: "Hmmm ... visitor 7001 ... that kind
of sucks. Maybe this bitmap file will clue you into visitor
7000. I couldn't help myself." Not only did she grab the count
(after clicking who knows how many times repeatedly), but she even
created a trophy. Well, now I definitely want her head on a stick
for my trophy!
Audrey replied: "Au Contrer Mon Friar (sp?)
It was not out of fear. Mischief was the root of my silence."
Well, Audrey, please tell us who your French teacher was, so that
we won't send our kids to that school.
Audrey wrote back: "I went to the illustrious
Bronx High School of Science where I did not take French! However,
from now on I think I will stick to the spoken word or at least
send all e-mail through Stacy Creamer for editing."
Well, Audrey, let me tell you this --- spoken words will increase
your probability of being misquoted, unintentionally or otherwise;
you have been forewarned! Even if you keep your mouth shut, you
will still have to deal with the sneaky camera, which has a tendency
to show up at the most unusual moments. Of course, you could move
to Australia ...