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Q1.  What is the coach Tony Ruiz announcing to the workout crowd while making the thumbs-up sign?
     (a)  "We are the number one team in the universe"
     (b)  "You are forbidden to stand in the inside lane because other people are coming through!"
     (c)  "This workout is over as soon as there is any sign of lightning!"
     (d) "How many timers do I have today?  Only one?  You're awesome!"

Q2.  This year, we saw a new competitive team called The Flying Pokémons (TFP) in the New York area.  According to reports from relliable sources, they have won a number of major races already.  Members of many other teams want to join them instead.  Which of these statements are true?
     (a)  It is hard to keep these Pokémons in one place, as they wander off to places like New Jersey and Ohio ...
     (b)  A high concentration of Pokémons in one place causes electrical disturbances in the air, which is why their races, workouts and
            social functions always seemed to be accompanied by rainstorms of biblical proportions. 
     (c)  Pokémons are cuddly yet ferocious when provoked (especially when you want to take photos of them ...)
     (d)  In order to beat this team at a race, you've gotta catch 'em all.

Q3.  Most running shoes come in light colors.  But after a couple of laps around the reservoir, our shoes are usually covered with dirt.  With what instrument were these shoes of Julia Casals cleaned? 
(a) a shoebrush
(b) a toothbrush
(c) a vacuum cleaner
(d) clean the shoes?  ... what for?

Q4.  Y'all have this idea that Joey Ruben is this angelic child.  But what is his nickname?
(a) Dennis the Menace
(b) The Bowery Boy
(c)  Georgie Best
(d) The Little Rascal

Q5.  One notes that recent editions of the trivia quiz has degenerated into silly comments about totally unrelated photographs.  Who is the source of inspiration of this particular literary form?
(a)  Jorge Luis Borges
(b)  Heinrich von Kleist
(c)  Stuart Calderwood
(d)  W.G. Sebald


Q1.  We don't know what he was saying.  Like everybody else, our minds were wandering ...

Q2.  All of the above, but especially (c)!

Q3. (b).  Julia, please remember which toothbrush is used for brushing teeth.  (d) was Toby Tanser's question/answer.

Q4. (d)  See photo.

Q5. (d)  Heinrich von Kleist wrote plays and short stories before the camera was invented, so it is not known with certainty if he would have done it.   Jorge Luis Borges was blind, but that would not have stopped him if he really wanted to.  Stuart Calderwood's magnum opus is a work in progress and it is unknown if he plans to include any pictures.   W.G. Sebald is this season's darling of the literary elite, being championed by none other than the Susan Sontag.  His books are noteworthy for the inclusion of snapshots of commonplace objects such as alarm clocks and hotel room keys.  Unlike our website, his subjects are serious ones (such as the Holocaust), his thinking is clear and precise as is his writing.  However, we do wish to point out that we are handicapped by the fact that we only have a bunch of running geeks as our working material (although that should not have stopped us if we really wanted to ...).

  Walrus Internet