QUIZ # 4 (May, 2000)

Grand Prize:  An official Tanzania Fila jacket (size: large).  If no one gets the right answers by May 31st, the grand prize goes to ... David Pullman in recognition of his leadership at our workouts!  Send your entries to Toby at swoosh@onebox.com.

The winning entry came on 5/18/2000 from Stéphane Bois, a member of the Warren Street club.  On his submitted entry, he began with "Hi Toby (I hate you)" and ended with "At the very least, you owe me an aspirin for the headache that your questions gave me ..."  All was not lost, as he learned a great deal about African geography from his numerous hours of research.

The Quiz

  1. John Downes, an Irish international, had a slight altercation with a race official. Facing a two year competing ban, the runner hit out at the Irish federation by swapping his allegance to Britain. What was the altercation?
    Answer:  He hit an official in the face (note the words 'facing' and 'hit' in the question)
  2. Paul Tergat lives in Ngong town of Kenya. Name the neighborhood in which his house stands. Hint: If Saucony was the name of this neighborhood, then the country would be named after Saucony.
    Saucony in Indian means River and the only country named after a river is Zambia, after the Zambesi ... Therefore Zambia.
  3. Pekka Vasala promised to remove what from his being if he reached ze top and took Olympic Gold in 1972?
    Answer: His beard.  (note: two members of the group ZZ Top, two of whose members have beards and the third one is named Frank Beard)
  4. Looking for a shoe sponsor is often a runner's lottery.  Which brand sponsored Said Aouita throughout his glory years?
    Answer:  Easy Lotto
  5. In 1985 Steve Cram, of Jarrow, broke three world records. What was significant about the number 20 he wore on his singlet when setting the first World record. And, remembering that Cram was a runner and not an archer, give Cram's nickname.
    Answer: 20 days for all three records.  His nickname was the Jarrow Arrow.
  6. A common factor linking Kenyan athletes is a wealth of Championship medals. This year's Boston Master's champion won which major championship medal?
    Answer:  The Commonwealth Games (note the words 'common' and 'wealth' in the question).

You can check out Toby's earlier quiz # 1, quiz # 2 and quiz # 3

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