- Photo
1: In last year's
race, Toby Tanser had red hair and leopard-skin
body tights. This year, he has neon-green hair and a grass
skirt. So next year, he should have light blue hair and
a bikini? P.S. Is Rob Zand thinking, "Oh, I
wish I thought of that!"
- Photo
2: As Ramon Bermo shows by example, a coach's
job includes fastening the chip on the runner's shoe. His
pained facial expression is not from the stress of the work, but
from seeing a camera in his face.
- Photo
3: This was a sunny morning, according to this photo
of Ramon Bermo with the Central Park South buildings in
the background. But there was actually a cold wind --- straight
from Canada, of course!
- Photo
4: Victor Osayi said, "Hey, I am not
running this race. I thought about it, but the coach told
me not to. So I am here just to pick up the race packet
for a friend."
- Photo
5: When we saw this race official walking around
with a telephone, we were really impressed. But G'mo
Rojas said, "You mean this 1970-style phone? Hey,
I'm not doing anything important." Indeed, we found
out that he even lost the job of collecting the raffle numbers
after the race.
- Photo
6: Having skipped a few years of racing, Ricardo
Granados still has a vintage early 1990's singlet.
0.3 MILE MARK (East 72nd STREET) (photo
credit: Bola Awofeso)
- Photo
11: First through the corner are ... Frank Schneiger,
Irene Jackson-Schon and Betty Marolla. They
were so far ahead that they even had a big lead over the race
- Photo
12: Toby Tanser did not seem to be slowed
down by this grass skirt as he leads everyone around the corner.
- Photo
13: High visible is Stacy Creamer, and trying
to look invisible is Fasil Yilma.
- Photo
14: J.R. Mojica
- Photo
15: Sid Howard said, "I don't know what
happened, but I started in the back. Somehow, it took me
a mile to catch Mary Rosado, and it was the turnaround
before I caught J.R." Officially, his clock time was
20:11 and his chip time was 19:53; he was first M60-64.
Etsuko Kizawa also appears in this photo.
- Photo
16: Carlos Stafford
1.9 MILE MARK (East 72nd STREET) (photo
credit: Bola Awofeso)
- Photo
21: Leader pack of three: Art Gunther, Toby
Tanser and Aloui Fouzi (WS).
- Photo
22: Ricardo Granados
- Photo
23: Gordon Streeter
- Photo
24: Fasil Yilma. Excuse us, but where
is that bib?
- Photo
25: Stacy Creamer said, "As I ran along,
people kept telling me that I was the first woman. Well,
I knew that Gilliam Horovitz was in front of me and I
can't imagine how she could have dropped out of a 5K race."
- Photo
26: Sid Howard
- Photo
27: J.R. Mojica
- Photo
28: Landon Wickham makes an appearance on
this page courtesy of his photographer friend
- Photo
29: Time enough for Diane Lebowitz to wave
her hand.
- Video 1:
Our digital cameras have the ability to capture short movies as
well as still photos. Since much of the talk this week is
about Toby Tanser's famous running form, we thought we
would experiment a little. Unfortunately, this experiment
seemed to have gone awry. At this point of the race, Toby
Tanser is barely visible since he is running right behind
Aloui Fouzi. Please note that you have tilt your
head sideways to watch this --- this is a technical issue that
has very much to do with Toby's height!
- Video 2:
Another botched attempt to catch Toby Tanser on the run
- Photo
30: Toby Tanser
- Photo
31: Before the race, Dave Howard said, "I
probably should get an orange singlet." So don't forget
to send that email in ASAP!
- Photo
32: Coming down the home straight is Audrey Kingsley,
who said, "I'm not supposed to run today ... yet. But
it is too cold to be just standing around."
- Photo
33: Ricardo Granados
- Photo
39: Stacy Creamer
- Photo
34: Sid Howard said, "I'm in a hurry
because I have to work on a job at 11am."
- Photo
35: J.R. Mojica
- Photo
36: Carlos Stafford
- Photo
37: Diane Lebowitz
- Photo
38: Sylvie Kimché got orange tights, which
makes her more orange than anyone else
- Photo
40: Quite happy to even finish this race was Stacy
Creamer. Hoping to just break 20:00, she got 19:08.
- Photo
41: Here are the sprinters. Frank Schiro
said, "I ran 16:52 today and Raphael Devalle ran 17:01."
Really. Hmmm, that sounds awfully slow for a 100m sprint
- Photo
42: Sid Howard said, "No, I am not greedy.
The other bagel is for someone else." Shall we guess,
Toby Tanser?
- Photo
43: To PowerBar: here is more photographic
documentation (plus additional eyes-on impressions) for your sponsored
athlete, Mary V. Rosado.
- Photo
44: Rob Zand was surprised by Bola Awofeso,
"Hey, I thought our photographer was that other guy!"
(photo credit: Toby Tanser)
- Photo
45: Stuart Calderwood and Stacy Creamer
share a bagel?
- Photo
46: Sid Howard asked, "What can I do
to stop you from taking photos? How about another bagel?"
- Photo
47: Ramon Bermo